.part 17.

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It was media day and I'm not exactly excited as I hate all the cameras but if I'm with my friends I'm not as bad.

We did all the filming and then pretty much everyone headed back to bed.

It was morning and it was 9:00 and it was recovery day and so I headed in.

The physio checked my hamstring to see if it's not tight anymore and I was clear then we set of to sgp.

Later we had a 2 hour training session and then free time when I could see Trent because when I met him he seemed a little off.

It was training and I was walking into the pitch with Jill and Leah.

Jill cracks everyone up she's just got such a big sense of humour and Leah is the captain but more of a motivator which I understand why she is captain.

We finished the training session and we all headed to the showers and ice baths.

I had my shower and got changed into the England tracksuit top and bottoms.

I headed down to the media but which I was suggesting Trent was there and indeed he was but this time he was with Lauren.

I know I shouldn't get jealous but a little bit of me wants to push her away. But Lauren was such a nice girl.

"Hi guys you alright" I said more intrusive and rude."yeah you alright y/n"Lauren said."yes completely fine" "oh okay well it was nice meeting you Trent and bye leave you guys to it".

"What was that about" Trent asked me confused "what do you mean what was that all about" "I mean the way you spoke it was a bit bitchy" "uh Trent what the hell why would you say that you know she's my friend I'm just tired that's all I'm sorry" "okay didn't mean to be like that but something more than tired is off and you know that" "Trent just stop asking questions and can we have a conversation because I haven't had a proper one with you in ages" "okay sure we can go to my room Jude is doing media"

We headed to his room and we sat together on his bed."how's it been on international then" "yeah it's been good unfortunately I missed first game but I'll be ready for my debut soon" "ah that's good" "how have you been" "yeah I've been alright even better now that I'm with you"

I've never met someone like Trent this is different what he does to me he makes me nervous but in a good way.

I feel butterfly's in my stomach I get goosebumps if he touches me the slightest he just has this thing on me that no one has ever done.

"Hello y/n you there" "oh- uh sorry just daydreaming aha" "oh that's fine do you want to watch a film on my laptop" "yess that would be so fun"

During the middle of the film I felt my eyes dozing of slightly and eventually falling asleep on Trent's shoulder

*Trent's POV*
I was watching a film with y/n she's so beautiful honestly she makes me feel like all my worries just fly away when I'm with her she just has this different affect on me that no one else has ever done.

I soon felt my shoulder get heavy as I look and see y/n had fallen asleep. I admired her as she slept I hope she knows how much she means to me I know I've known her like less than a month but she means the world to me already I hope we do go ahead because I believe it will work.

The film has finished and the door flung open it was Jude. His facial expression was making an o face and he nearly shouted but I quickly put my hand to my lips telling him to shush.

Jude whispered "the lads are coming in you've got to wake her up before she gets surround by loads of questions I mean I know I have questions like did you have se-" "Jude no and okay sure let me just wake her up"

I tapped her shoulder a little and whispered
"Y/n it's time to get up" which her eyes started to flicker open and I saw her stunning y/e/c (your eye colour) eyes awaken.

*y/n's POV*
I felt someone nudge me and they asked me to wake up. I soon to realise that it was Trent and completely forgotten about it.

"Oh my sorry I completely forgot ah you made me jump" "oh right ye sorry" Jude said awkwardly "well you've got to go now before you get bombarded by a bunch of idiots" Trent said making me giggle "okay will do see you later" I said smiling to him and leaving the room to see main of the England stood out in the doorway.

I quickly walked past the men and tried to not get any questions asked has I was not in the mood.

*Trent's POV*
I headed outside to the lads saying they could come in now.

"Oi Trent why was y/n in your room lad" Kyle walker said "uhh" I didn't know what to say I'm not very good at lying.

Ooo's were filled around the room making me blush.

"Okay then Trent what did you do did you have sex" John stones asked thrusting the air making the boys laugh but my face was serious as I wasn't in the mood

"No we didn't we're just mates" deep down that did hurt a little as I did like her a lot but the lads could never know as they would definitely tell her."alright mate sure play that at your wedding" Declan rice said making everyone laugh.

*y/n's POV*
I headed to Leah's room and I knocked on her door. She opened her door and it was only her as Lauren was in the lounge room.

"You alright y/n what you doing here" "what do you mean what I'm doing here I've come to see my best friend why else" "okay come on in" she said laughing at me" "what's on your mind" "well I went to Trent's room" "you had se-"
"Nooo let me tell you what happened" "okay just making sure you know" "okay so we went to his room and we talked a little and then he asked if we wanted to watch a film and obviously I said yes and we watched the film" I said smiling about it "anyways middle of the film you know me I fell asleep but my head was on his shoulder and when I woke up my head was still there I know it sounds stupid but main of the time every boy would push my head of them"

"Omg y/n I'm so happy for you your turning into a proper women" "hang on your saying I'm not a women uh offended" I said sassily making us giggle a little "right well do you want to watch a film" I said "uh not if your gonna fall asleep on me" "can't promise anything" I said putting on a film on her laptop

The film finished and I actually stayed awake it was now around 9:00 so I headed back to my room as Lauren was here and Georgia shares with them as well.

I got into my pyjamas and took a photo for Instagram and then headed off to bed as I was tired today and training was back on tomorrow so we all stayed at sgp tonight.


@y/nredknapp another good day at sgp @englandLiked by trentalexanderarnold, England and 12,102 others

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@y/nredknapp another good day at sgp @england
Liked by trentalexanderarnold, England and 12,102 others

@ellatoone y/n that is to sexy your only sleeping love
- oh Ella 😭

@username she's so stunning 😫

@trentalexanderarnold had fun today 🤍
- yesss 🫶🏼🫶🏼

@usename I ship Trent and y/n
-@username no y/n and mason
-@username uh neither Trent is mine
-@username Trent & y/n♾️

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