.part 5.

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It was morning and I was not looking forward to that chat I was gonna have with my dad.
I got downstairs and already saw my dad sat down with a coffee and he turned his head to me with a look not a happy but not a mad look it was just a little twitch of a smile.

"Good morning y/n" "morning"
"Don't you think we need to talk" "uhm not really" "come on now y/n" "h there's nothing to talk about the only thing to talk about is my own business which also mean my business not yours" "well it is my business y/n so sit down" he said raising his voice a little so I just did. "I just want to know what Andy meant by yesterday" "Andy was just being an idiot " "well it didn't seem it when I came over whilst you were leant into his side" "can friends not do that" "well it's just a bit more than friend thing to do that" "well we're just friends okay" "and I'm old enough by o chose who I date anyways dad you need to back down a bit" "y/n I'm just scared for you you do know that right I'm not trying to stop you I'm just trying to stop you from getting hurt" "so you think he's gonna hurt me now" "no it's not that I just don't like seeing my baby girl grow up" "well it happens to everyone unfortunately dad" "I know but look I just want to make sure your safe" "I know dad I'm sorry" I said giving him a hug whilst he hugs me back.

Hi Trent you okay
You hungover 🤣

Yk what I'm actually alright wasn't
Yo bothered about drinking a lot

Oh I was wondering are you
Still in London cause if you
Are then do you wanna go for
A drink at the cafe 🤷‍♀️

Ye I am still in London heading back
Later so yeah I don't mind which one

I'll send you it it's *********

Alr see you in 20 minutes

Okay byeee

I Got ready for the day in a white crop top and brown jeans


Liked by trentalexanderarnold, Millieturner and 7,239 others

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Liked by trentalexanderarnold, Millieturner and 7,239 others

@leahwilliamson can't wait to meet you at camp xxx
- samee so excited xx

@maryearps my best friend is ✨gorgeous✨
- literally you Mary ✨beautiful✨

@uset630 omg Trent liked and commented it they would be cute together
-@user431 omg yesss I ship that

@trentalexanderarnold love the outfit ❤️
- thank you can't wait ❣️

@user526 omg have you seen Trent's comment 🙊

@user0116 uhm back of Trent is mine

I met Trent at the cafe and he gave me a quick hug and we sat down."So how are you FA cup winning finalist" "I'm very good getting into England squad first timist" he said making us both giggle "what would you like" "oh no I'll pay it's alright" I said not wanting him to pay cus i don't know it's just so awkward main of the time "no it's fine now tell me what you want" "uhm are you sure I'll send money to your bank" "y/n there is no need now tell me what you want" "uhm a latte please" "okay coming right up for ya madam" the way he said that made me feel like something I've never felt before something that made me feel cold but in a good way something that made me as though I was light and I could float around anywhere ye I know it's crazy. Trent sat back down in front of me and we started talking. "Do you want to come back to mine for a bit I don't have to go until we'll thrusday but I didn't know what to do but now I do so I might now to see you" he's said making me smile and go a little red "Yeah I'd love to-" in between the conversation our drinks got placed down on the table. As I was saying normally when other people pay it's normally awkward but I don't feel that with Trent I feel happy and over the moon. "So tell me about yourself" he said "well I'm a footballer for Manchester United-" Trent made a throwing up face which made me push his arm from the other side of the small table. "Anyways I've just got into England" Trent did silent cheering which made me giggled "my favourite chest meal is definitely a McDonalds chicken nugget meal" I said making us both laugh "and my favourite colour is baby blue, my favourite ice cream flavour is Ben & Jerry's cookies and cream" i said Trent agreeing "and well uh I support West Ham and I don't know what else to say" Trent smiled at me with an amazed look which made me blush "you've gone a little bit red there"Trent said giggling as I was embarrassed so I put my head down "hey it's nothing to be embarrassed about it's cute" he said making me smile and lift my head up.

We finished our drinks and since it was only around the corner for me I walked whilst Trent took his car because it was a bit further away from where he was. We arrived at Trent's hotel and entered his room. I just stood there cause I didn't know what to do. He took my hand and lead to the settee obviously Trent was sharing a room with someone because of that game but I wonder who it was. Someone walked out of the bathroom and flushed the toilet and it was the one and only Andy Robertson. Trent definitely knew he was gonna get tormented by him because that just how he is. "Wow Trent's moving fast" "Andy it's not like that I just invited her around" "yeah" I said shyly "Well anyways I'm out for an hour and a half so do whatever you want" Andy said giving Trent a wink and walked out "sorry about him is there anything you want to do" "do you maybe wanna watch a film" "I'm not in suitable clothes for that Trent" "wear my joggers you'll be alright" "really they'll be too big" "oh shit yeah uhm maybe my jumper" "okay you quickly put on his jumper in the bathroom and head back to him. Trent had opened his arm for you to come closer. And well obviously I did I mean who wouldn't and we clicked play to the film. Halfway through I was slightly falling asleep on Trent

*Trent's POV*
Y/n was falling asleep slightly before she went into a little sleep making a cute snore. I stared at her for a little and then I heard Andy open the door and I said "shhh" but the last thing I knew everyone was here and my day had been spoilt. "Andy what the hell" y/n started moving a little "did I not tell you" "no you didn't you just you'd be back in an hour and a half" "and I am" "yes but I wasn't expecting everyone to be here" "well they had to so you could show them your girl" "she's not my girl we just met yesterday" "well I bet you'll get together in less than a month" "Trent I know you like her"

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