.part 18.

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My alarm had went of and I got up and got Mary and Ella to wake up.

We headed and got out boots on as usual and headed up to the pitches.

During middle of the training session some of the men's team came and watched us train.

Trent quickly caught my eye and sent me a cheeky wink as I smiled to myself and got back to training.

The training session had finished so I headed over to Trent before I went back.

"You alright y/n you did good out there" "yeah I'm just sweaty" I said breathing heavily a little bit.

"Ah well what time you leaving" "I think 1:00 we're going back" "oh I was wondering if you wanted to come to my room again that's all" "yeah I can just get a shower and get changed now and I'll come" "okay yeah see you then"

I showered and dried my hair and got in my clothes and then headed to Trent's room.

I knocked on his door and the door slowly creeped open and it was Trent.

"Come in" he said open his arm as he was showing I could enter.

I sat down on his bed and leaned my back against the backboard.

"So what do you wanna do" I said "we can watch a film again" "yeah let's do it" he opened his laptop and set the film up.

He put his arm up letting me lean into his chest and we had a little friendship cuddle.

We watched films all day until it was time for me to head back to where the women were staying.

"Bye Trent see ya soon" "bye y/n" he said giving me that gorgeous smile he always has.

I sat on the coach next to Ella and I got the window spot so I waved to the fans and popped my earphones in.

We got back to where we were staying and I was quite tired so I went to my bedroom and flipped straight on the bed.

I got the quilt and cuddled it as my eyes started to doze off.

Turns out all of that sleeping went all the way until 7:00 and I went to sleep at 2:00.

All the girls were downstairs either playing ping pong or just on their phones.

I decided to stay upstairs and text Trent as boredom filled me.

Hey Trent I am bored

Oh hi bored how you doing

Haha very funny

I know right but anyways what do you want to do then

Uhm text me like you're now

And if I don't text you
Well then I will be mad at you

Well I'm going to go down and get some food now so I can't text at the moment sorry x

It's okay don't worry x

Bye text you tommorow x

Okiee byeee x

I was quite tired today so I just decided to get in my pyjamas and head to sleep because in two days is my debut against Norway.

(Only a short one but I want to be as consistent as possible so I hope this is okay 😊)

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