.part 7.

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I clicked on Trent name on FaceTime and it began dialling. Quickly my phone answered and saw Trent sat in the bathroom."hiya y/n how was the talk" "well it was more of a shout then a talk" "oh I'm sorry don't want to be rude but what happened" he said softly with quiet talking noises coming from the others in the other room "well he was stood in the kitchen with his arms folded because he knew I was back because of ring" "oh my" "well then he asked me where have you been and I said Leah's and then stupid paparazzi pictures of us together at the coffee shop and driving of together and then he shouted at me for lying" I said with a little sad face "I'm so sorry y/n don't be sad I'm sure he'll come round at some point just maybe don't try lying next time" he said making us both chuckle. I mean Trent on FaceTime he's just so cute his top half of his face on the screen a little close up ahh he's just so sexy "hello y/n" he said waving his hands whilst I was daydreaming well about Trent. "Wait wha- oh oh my so sorry just dozing into space" "it's alright I'm quite bored of everyone round with their girlfriends I feel so alone it was better with you there" he said with a smirk "I can sneak back out you know my dad doesn't control me I'm 23 years old" "well you don't have too" "I want too and can I sleep I don't feel like facing him in the morning" "ye ofc we have a guest room as well unless you wanna sleep in mine" giving a cheeky smirk "are you trying to pull me mr Alexander-Arnold" "maybe I am maybe I am not" he said making us both burst out laughing" "well I've got my pyjamas in a bag and my well hair stuff and I was also wondering do you maybe wanna go for a kick about together like just passing or something" I said with a big smile and obviously he smiled back "yes of course I would love that" "okay I'll bring my boots then" "should I start driving now" "uh yeah please text me when your hear" "okay byeee "byeee" I said giving a pout to him and he did it back making me laugh.

Mum don't tell dad but he'll probs
Look at ring anyways 😂 I'm sleeping
At Trent's but tell him I've gone to Leah's
Pls xxx

Okay fine but if you get caught and your dad
Found out I lied your taking blame xxx

Of course mum I'm not stupid xx

Uhm I'm not sure about that
What about today 😂😂xx

Shhh we don't talk bout that 😂😂xx

Trent can you park around the corner so my
Dad doesn't see you x

Okay and is this a thing where
We text each other x now x

Oh you make me laugh sometimes
Mr Alexander Arnold x

So do you miss Redknapp x

(Only a short one because I haven't posted for two days but here it is I have football in the morning wish me look ❤️xx)

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