.part 27.

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*back to y/n's POV*

I was giving fans signatures and photos and then I headed into the tunnel to get a nice cold shower.

I was heading into the tunnel and saw Trent waiting on his phone as he has a pass.

I went over to him and said "heyy"

"Heyyy" he said back girly making a sassy face which made me laugh."I knew you would score y/n"

"Thanks you gave me luck"

"Well I'm going to let you shower and get ready and I'm staying in the same hotel so you could sleep in my room tonight and we can have a movie marathon as you aren't heading back until later on in the day and you can have a lie in" Trent said awkwardly and he just melts my heart

"Of course that would be brilliant" i said smiling
"I'm gonna go shower now are you driving back to hotel and I'll meet you outside"

"Yeah sounds like a plan but I won't go just yet as your not ready and the team I'll set off when your getting on the coach yeah"

"Yeah bye" I said smiling at him as I walk into the changing room.

I headed into the changing room as cheers flew into my ears and I was attached with hugs and cheers around me.

I headed into the shower as I was really sweaty.

I finished my nice refreshing shower and got into my England tracksuit which was very comfy.

Half an hour later everyone was soon ready and we headed out onto the coach.

I texted Trent saying that we are just getting on the coach now as I was done giving photographs.

I sat next to Ella and slouched in my seat as I was tired but not my eyes my body from the game so I would be able to do a movie marathon with Trent.

We arrived at the hotel and I saw Trent on his phone sat waiting in the car.

I headed out of the coach and saw Trent look up and smile at me.

I obviously smiled back and I headed over into the reception as he was just getting out of his car.

I met Trent as he came into the reception and everyone was heading up I told him that.

"I'm just going to get into my pyjamas text me the number of your room" I said and he agreed as I headed up to get changed.

I opened the door to see Ella flat out on her bed.

I headed straight to the bathroom to put on my primark fluffy pyjamas I mean you can never beat primark pyjamas.

I headed straight to the bathroom to put on my primark fluffy pyjamas I mean you can never beat primark pyjamas

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I put some sliders on and I saw my phone lit up with Trent putting the number which was 31

I started to get my stuff all together and went to leave but I was interrupted.

"Where you going at this time" Ella said confused

"Oh Trent's in the same hotel and he invited me over" I said

"Oo y/n Anyways I'll let you do you" she said giving me a wink

"Oh Ella shush bye now"

I closed the door quietly and waved goodbye.

I soon reached Trent's door number and knocked and quickly it was answered to a shirtless Trent in black joggers.

"Hey y/n come in"

I walked in and plonked in his soft bed and I could smell his scent it was stunning.

"So what movies do you want to watch" Trent asked not aware of what my favourite movie genre is.

"Uh could we maybe watch Gilmore girls pwease" i said giving him puppy eyes as j knew that wasn't his type of film.

"Okay fine only for the first film we take it in turns so I get to pick the next one"


I said and laid down next to Trent and layed comfortably watching the tv screen.

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