.part 32.

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Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas that celebrates it and if your celebrating something else I hope you enjoyed it and had a great time. Stay safe and enjoy!!!

It was the next day and as my usual schedule I got up got a shower dried my hair, get changed for the day and then I headed down to go get some breakfast before we had to head back to go to sgp later on in the day.

I met up with Beth and sat down with her with an omelet and toast and also a fresh orange juice on the side to pull it off.

I gladly ate my breakfast making me feel new and then walked back upstairs to get some makeup on as I didn't want too look dead as I'm going with Lotte, Lauren, Chloe,Alex,Millie and Rachel around Brighton.

But before I quickly texted Millie turner to see how my girl Belle is doing as I know she'll be missing her momma.

How's Belle getting on and you mills x

She's doing alright she's not too bad now but I think you'll have to call later tonight just to remind you your still alive aha x

Ah alright x

Oh and also I'm doing great and keep going I know you'll win everyone believes in you y/n x

Thank you Millie your kind words mean so much🥰x

No problem at all it's all true we do 🥰


I do love Millie I wish she was here but it's unfortunate. I can't believe I've gone so long without Bella it's unreal to be fair.

As I was waiting for the girls to come down to the entrance I got a message from Trent.

Sorry that I couldn't make it last night but I wanted to congratulate onto getting to the semis like I said you would 👍

Don't worry about it Trent and thank you it means a lot 😁

No worries y/n you played great 👍

I've got to go now I'm going out with the girls have a nice day whatever you're doing Trent x

Ah well you have fun and I'll have fun as well aha x

Aha byeee


I turned my phone off and smiled and then Lauren who appeared making me jump said "what you smiling at y/n" she was smirking at me now at how red I got as for some reason I get so red easily just like that and especially over Trent.

"Uhm- just something funny my friend said aha" I said awkwardly and she gave me a look that she knew something. "Okay if you say so y/n, anyways let's go" she said and we both walked out of the doors together to all the girl waiting.

We walked along the coast and got some ice cream and then we looked in a few shops went on a little bit ride then we all sat down to get something to eat.

When we finished eating we walked back out and wandered the streets taking photos having a lot of fun and living life properly.

We all decided to go on the wheel and it was so funny as Rachel and Millie were screaming and lotte and I were both shaking it but only a little bit. It was even funnier because we stopped at the top and I was laughing so hard it was making my belly hurt.

We got off that chaotic but hilarious wheel and we decided to go get a drink at a cafe but a cold drink as it was quite warm.

It was 3pm so we decided to go back which was 20 minute walk and we were setting back to sgp at 5pm so we had plenty of time.

We arrived back and I headed straight to my room to ask Millie if we could FaceTime now. She said that yes as she was in.

*incoming FaceTime from Millie♥️*
"Hiii" I said smiley.
"Hey y/n look who I've got" she said picking up Belle and showing me her and I looked in aww at her as she had grown a little.
"Hi bellee" I said in a high pitch voice and she turned her head and looked into the camera but not knowing my face on camera.
"Belleee" I shouted in a high pitched voice again and she tilted her head to the other side and when I say it was adorable I mean it was the cutest thing everrr.

I stayed on call to Millie for about a hour and a half and then I had to get my stuff together and get on the coach.

"See ya soon Millie and Belle give her loads of kisses for me Millie"
"I will bye love you" she said friendly.
"Love you to byee"

The phone ended and I got my stuff together quickly and headed down the stairs and got ready to go on the coach again but I didn't mind as Ella did entertain me if I was bored with her funny humour.

I got on the coach and we headed to sgp. We got there for like 6:30pm and then I headed to my own room and did the same routine as last night chuck my pjs on and brush my teeth and straight to sleep.

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