.part 16.

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*Skip to the Austria game*

Unfortunately I missed out on this game today as I didn't want to do any more damage to my hamstring so I sat in the box with my mum dad and siblings.

My grandad said he would come to the next game you were in the squad but I just wanted to watch my girls.

Leah lead the team out and the crowd roared and cheered for England

We all stood up for the national anthem and then we were ready for the game

'16 minutes in'

It was half time and I was day dreaming.

I've never seen such a great atmosphere at a women's game before it got quite emotional if I'm being honest I just turned to my dad and hugged him he hugged me back and said "what's wrong y/n" "I'm just happy" I said smiling still leaning into his side sat down

"Well I'm glad you're I can't wait to see you get your debut" he said smiling at me.I smiled back and said "yeah me too" we both had a little giggle."love you dad" "I love you too y/n".

It was the end of the game and I headed on the coach so we could all go back to the place where we're staying.

I sat next to Ella and fell asleep on the way back.

We arrived and everyone went straight to bed because of how tired they were.

The next day it was rest day so we went out on these boats along the river that was outside where we were.

After everyone went on the boat ride I decided to go for a walk to clear my head.

I wanted to walk by myself so I could listen to my music I'm a big fan of artic monkeys.( I didn't get the tickets for Sheffield I'm so maddd)

I scrolled through my phone on Instagram and see that the men's team are coming in tomorrow.

Trent made it into the squad I can't wait to see him.

On my walk I decided to go to a local cafe and get a coffee.

I collected my coffee and headed over to the corner of the shop.

I decided to head back as my eyes were drifting away.I already had something to eat before going out so I decided to just go straight to bed.

I face planted the bed and the only thing on my mind was Trent and how I will get to see him again tomorrow it feels like it's been forever I couldn't wait.

Today was the day the men's England football team came in. We didn't get to see them straight away as we were training at sgp when they arrived.

But whilst we were training it turned out they were watching us which is a privilege as they were actually interested in the women's game.

Trent wasn't there but I wasn't to fussed as he might not be here yet but I'm more focused on my football right now.

The training session finished then we took our boots off and headed straight to the gym.

Ask was on my way walking by myself as I wasn't bothered about waiting I accidentally bumped into someone.

I looked up to see the one and only Trent Alexander Arnold.

"Well fancy seeing you here" he said giving me a hug "same too you I'm very sweaty right now" "oh it's fine where you off to" "oh I'm just going to gym what about you" "just meeting up with the lads and that"

I just smiled at his perfectness his eyes his dreadlocks his lips his accent his body his personality his humour just him he is perfect

"Uh hello y/n you good" he said confused on where my mind was "wait wha- oh yeah I'm good I've got to go now bye see ya later" "yeah okay bye"

I did a 45 min gym session then I headed off to go find Trent.

I found him with a group of the boys which were mason mount and Declan rice.

"Hi Trent you alright" "yeah good this is mason and declan, mason and Declan this is y/n" "hiya you alright" Declan said putting his hand out for me to shake which I did. "Yeah hi" mason said also shaking my hand but holding it longer then Declan

Trent coughed and said "right we'll we better get going for media bye y/n see you soon" "uh okay bye have fun"

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