.part 14.

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I put my phone down and I looked up to see Ella and Mary smirking. "What do you want" I said putting a huff at the end because I didn't want to have them bugging me all the time "we know you know what we want" "spill" "okay fine" "it was the Liverpool vs Chelsea final and it was at the start when I was eating with my family my dad was talking to all the players so I was just by myself then Trent came over and he looks more handsome in real life" "ahhh y/n growing up so fast it's like I've known you forever" Mary said like a mum moment

"Well anyways I went to the box and everything and sat down for the game and obviously watched the game and then Trent's penalty came up and when he scored he sent me a kiss to me and I couldn't catch it because I was right next to my dad but he was clueless as a puzzle" they all laughed

"I don't even know what that means but anyways the game finished and he took me to the changing room to meet his teammates and then afterwards we just got closer and then the other day he admitted that he like me and I said like him back ahhh" the girls started jumping running around "but we said we take it slow and see how it goes"

The girls were so ecstatic I think they had a better reaction than I did when I found out.

We all were talking all night and doing
Tik Toks until it was time to go to sleep

Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity @england it means the world or shall I say europe😉
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@username love her can't wait to see her play

@engalnd yesss 🙌🤍⚽️

@usrname come on let's bring it home ❤️❤️

It was the next day and everyone got ready and headed down for some breakfast before my first training session.

Yeah I'm really nervous now it's gotten me I'm worried I'll mess up.

Anyways i was walking with Georgia and Ella to go and get breakfast I had avocado on toast and a glass of water

We all headed into the changing room and got our boots on I was doing my lace but my hands were shaking because as you can tell already I'm shitting my self

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We all headed into the changing room and got our boots on I was doing my lace but my hands were shaking because as you can tell already I'm shitting my self

I felt a reassuring hand on my back and looked up to see it was Leah.

She kneeled down in front of me and did my laces as I was struggling with my fears "you'll be fine y/n you love football right" "yeah of course" "and your brilliant at it that's why your here there's nothing to be nervous about all of us girls are behind you" "thanks I guess it's just I've got such high expectations because of my family and the pressure is getting to me" "woah your family hasn't got anything to do with how you play football right now from what I've seen you might be better" she said laughing making me giggle

"Thanks Leah you do make me feel better I understand why your captain" i said smiling at her "well come on before sarina shouts at us" "good idea" i said getting up and we both headed onto the pitch

We got to the pitch and not everyone we're here yet so me and Leah just passed and have a little feel of the ball before training.

Sarina headed and Leah just headed over to her to talk to her.

A few minutes later after Leah had finished with the conversation sarina pulled me for a quick chat. "You okay y/n" "y-yeah perfectly fine why" I said in confusion "yeah it's just Leah told me that you felt like you had some pressure on you she was just worried that's all" "uh yeah it's just you know my family aha" "well I believe you will do brilliant things y/n so I'm not worried that you will do anything wrong so I hope that helps a little if that's also what your worried about" "thanks" she gave me a nice smile before we were called in for training

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