.part 20.

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It was the morning and we had to get up at 7:00 so everyone could get ready and get on the plane (going on plane because it's faster) back to Saint George's park.

I asked the coach yesterday if Trent could come on the plane and he said yes as their are a few spare seats.

I headed down with my stuff to see Trent stood up on his phone with his bag on his back.

He looked up from his phone and saw me and he smiled at me which made my knees go weak.

I headed over to him and he had his arms open so I could hug him in a big warm hug.

"Did you sleep well" "yes indeed" he said in his Scouse accent. "What time will we be going" "uh I think in about 10 minutes" "okay are you going to sit next to me or Ella" "of course I'm going to sit next to you Ella has Mary she'll be fine"

As I said that Ella came down towards us "I can't believe you said that y/n" she said dramatically making me and Trent laugh.

10 minutes later everyone got on the coach to head to the airport. Me and Trent sat at the back making Ella and Mary go 'ooo' and making kissing noises. Making me laugh at them but Trent to go all embarrassed.

We sat down and I put one of my air pods in so in case Trent needed to talk to me as the journey was 45 minute.

As I was listening to do me a favour by artic monkeys (one of my favourites 🫶🏼) Trent head fell against my shoulder making me jump but eventually I just smiled at his facial features he's such a beautiful man.

When we both said we had a crush on each other and we shared a little kiss I think we both rushed it so we're trying to move on from that and take it a lot more easy as a few week ago we hardly met each other.

We liked each other of looks and not personality yet so it was mainly just admitting that we fancy each other.

We arrived at the airport so I was tapping Trent shoulder as he was still asleep.

His eyes started to flicker open and I said "Trent we're here now come on lets get on the plane".

Everyone headed of the coach and sat down in the airport waiting for us to be called.

Because the plane was booked out for us it only took 45 mins so we already did the security and stuff like that.

I boarded the plane with Trent and some press were taking pictures of us but the England YouTube didn't take video of him as the England management were respectful.

Me and Trent went to the back again as that was where the spare seats were.

I was quite tired from the coach journey so I decided to sleep on the plane.

*Trent's POV*

Y/n had fallen asleep next to me as I had my AirPods in.

Her head slowly fell on my shoulder making me get goosebumps.

She's so pretty her smooth gorgeues y/c/s (your colour skin I know she is played as Alessia Russo but you can still have your own skin colour😊) her soft luxurious hair and her cheeky personality.

She makes me so happy even though I hardly know her but it feels like I've known her for ages we have such a great bond.

I tapped y/n on her shoulder as we had landed and everyone was getting their seatbelts off.

"Come on y/n we're here now" i said in a soft whisper.

"Huh what" "come on y/n let's get up" i said a little bit louder but still with my soft voice.

I took y/n seatbelt of so she can get up a little quicker as people were getting ready to go off the plane.

Y/n eventually got up and we headed off the plane.

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