.part 25.

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It was the day before the game so I decided to get up a little earlier, even though I didn't have to I just wanted to make sure I am prepared for tomorrow.

I went down to the kitchen and only Hannah was up.

I felt bad for Hannah because she is an amazing goalkeeper but she not in first team which I respect Mary a lot but I do feel bad for the goalkeepers.

I got my food and went and sat next to her.

"Hiya Hannah you okay"

"Yeah good you"

"I'm doing alright"

"You doing anything today"

"Uh I don't know if I need to anymore media but after that not much as obviously training not on. What about you?"

"Yeah same but I might go hit the gym this morning first do you want to come"

"Yeah that's sounds like a plan"

I finished up my meal and went and got changed into some gym wear and got a bottle of water and met up with Hannah and went to the gym.

We did 45 mins of gym work then we headed down to see if we needed to do any media.

Hannah had to do a little more media but I didn't have to do I decided to head back to my room as Ella and Mary were doing interviews and photos.

I rang my dad up just to see if he was coming to 
the game and catch up.

"Hiya darling you alright"

"Yeah I haven't got nothing to do and I was just wondering if you were coming to the game tomorrow. I don't mind if you don't want to come all the way because it's quite far."

"Yeah about that, I'll not be coming but I'll be watching on tv and cheering you on and I'll come watch you in quarterfinals as that will be a bigger game so yeah"

"Ah okay don't worry I completely understand and I'll try and score for you dad"

"I'll know you'll score y/n anyways what else did you want to call me about"

"Oh I don't know I was just bored and what I just asked you"

"Ah alright I thought there was something's you wanted to tell me"

"Aha well no not really.what are you doing now"

"I'm just sat on sofa waiting for Frida to come back as she's making a tea" (think that's what Jamie's wife is called🤷‍♀️)

"Ah tell her I said hi, well enjoy and I'll see you soon"

"Alright sweetheart I'll see you soon I wish loads of lock and I love you more bye"

The phone ended and I laid flat on my bed and I got the remote and put the tv on.

Whilst watching tv my eyes started dozing of but then they quickly shot open as I was receiving a FaceTime call from Trent.

I answered the FaceTime weakly as I had practically been asleep.

"Hi y/n you okay I was just checking up on you."

"Yeah I'm good how about you"

"Yeah I'm doing alright at the moment I just wanted to say can I come to the game again"

"Yeah of course do you want me to get you a ticket"

"Yes please that would be brilliant"

"Okay, well so anyways what you up to, I also called because I didn't think you had training as you had a game tomorrow"

"Yeah no I just had my tv on that's all"

"Ah okay"

Trent looked into the screen and it felt like he was staring into my soul.

My belly fluttered and my face going a light pink.

"Y/n hello you there" Trent said waving at the screen and I shuddered back into reality.

"Yeah I am sorry I was just day dreaming you know I'm like aha"

Me and Trent were on call for a few hours and then Ella and Mary got back and I decided to get some rest for the game tomorrow.

(I keep on saying how I'm going to get consistent I'm trying sorry again it's only small but I might do smaller parts but like post more like this one maybe)❤️

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