.part 6.

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TW: I think panic attacks and shouting idk if that is one but that's what it mentions x

Trent'a POV
Yes I did like her I mean how can I not she's literally perfect. Her gorgeous smile. Glamorous eyes. Beautiful blonde hair. I mean altogether she's just amazing she's such a skilled striker and just I can't explain how she is she's just perfect."Andy shush she might be listening" I said going a bit flustered. "Alright mate we'll tell her to wake up because the lads are getting impatient". "Fine whatever but she's staying" "alright whatever" I whispered to who "y/n good morning" "what it's morning" "no I'm joking with you someone invited the lads round when he knew there was a visitor" i did coughing making y/n look up and see Andy she quickly got up to her feet and said "hi" "you alright sorry bout that but you can stay if you want some of the WAGS are coming aswell" "uhm yeah if that's alright" she said to Andy giving a quick smile "right we'll come on in now lads and ladies" "bout fucking time mate" Jordan said huffing slightly. "Oh hiya y/n what you doing here" Jordan said in confusion "oh I just invited her round for a bit mate I wasn't expecting you to come" I said whilst Jordan made and "O" face and it made us all giggle a bit "right shut up talking now and let us in" ALEX OXLAIDE-CHAMBERLIN said and barged through Jordan and Andy. "Oh it's y/n redknapp hiya you alright what are you doing here wait I'm so confused" everyone got too impatient and just walked through and then the ladies came in behind after they had a rumble through the door.

Y/n's POV
I saw the WAGS and they were absolutely stunning and I felt like running away because of how jealous I am already of them h they're perfect. "Hi" one of them said loudly pulling me into a hug "I am PERRIE EDWARDS" omg of course she dates Alex and we'll was in the band little mix and Idon't know if they're getting back together little mix but it was so sad but to say she's not long ago had a baby she still look absolutely gorgeous. "Hi I'm TAMARA GOMEZ and I'm married to well JOE GOMEZ" I gave her a hug as everyone else introduced themselves NATÁLIA LOEWE wife of ALISSON BECKER, RACHEL ROBERTS wife of Andy Robertson,EMILIA SCARLETT girlfriend of HARVEY ELLIOT and REBECCA BURNETT wife of Jordan Henderson
"It's so great to meet you all" "are you-a part of the WAGS now then" "woow no me and Trent we're just friends" "I'll play that at your wedding" you all laugh. "Well I mean he is good looking but I don't think he likes me I mean why would he like me" "because your absolutely stunning" Rachel said whilst everyone else's was agreeing but me "pff as if" "I mean it y/n your literally perfect I don't know anyone that wouldn't want you" "it doesn't matter anyways" "Ladies do you want a drink" Alex asked us everyone said yes but me "are you sure you don't want one y/n I think I'll save my energy for the euros but thanks tho" i said smiling at him warmly ( I can't think of the word so yeah we'll go with that 🤣🤣)
I looked over to see Trent staring at me and mouthed *are you ok* I mouthed back *yes I'm fine why* *let me text  you*

What's wrong y/n

Nothing wrong I just
Feel like I don't fit in 😕

Why would you think that y/n
You literally stand out

Thanks I guess but it
Just feels awkward yk

Do you want to
Come sit with me
Andy and Rachel
Are you sure

Ofc I'm sure y/n
You'll be fine cmon

Okay fine



I started walking over to him and he gave me a soft smile "hello you" he said making me chuckle
"You ok y/n" rach said "yeah I'm good" I said smiling at her I really like Rachel we're very alike and I'm already like really close to her she's like a big sister.Trent had wrapped an arm around me and whispered "it's ok y/n just tell me if it's too much" I looked up at him and nodded my head and then we got back to the conversation.Trent's hand had found its way to my waist and oh god this man is making me go crazy and I've only known him 2 days. Andy had spotted where Trent's hand were and looked at him and smirked making Trent go shy which was very cute but when he was gonna move his hand away I quickly put it back there he looked at me and got flustered and just smiled. My dad had text me asking where are you and when are you gonna be home and I text back saying I'm at a mates house.My phone started ringing so I said "one sec" and went to the bathroom where it is more quiet "hello dad" "y/n where are you" "I'm at a mates dad" "I want you to come home y/n I don't want you to be drinking" "I'm not drinking dad does it sound like I'm drinking no" "y/n listen to me now get back home" "or what" "there's not or what's there's just do it" "no bye dad love you" "y/n don't end-"
I headed back to Trent and took him into the corridor where no one was. I was just so mentally tired I don't know why is it because I've been pushing myself is it because there's so many people is it because I'm scared of the future I do not have an answer And I just cried into Trent's shoulder. "Hey what's wrong" he said lifting my head up "I'm just so stressed out there's so many people I hardly know, my dads shouting at me and I'm so mentally tired Trent idk what to do anymore is there any point" "y/n there is a lot of reason why you're here you just got into the England squad you're dad is only shouting at you because here cares for you and he just want to make sure your safe y/n and everyone here will definitely not hurt you come here" he said making me hug him tightly as he kissed the top of my head making me blush. "Your dad is worrying don't you think you should just go home y/n he cares so much because I yk worry about you aswell..... we all do"what he just said made me smile massively and I pulled him back into a hug. "Thank you so much Trent it means a lot" "do you want me to drop you off I haven't had anything to drink" "uh yeah if you don't mind please" "of course I don't mind y/n it's no problem at all" god his smile makes me so weak.
Trent had dropped me off home and waved goodbye as I walked up the stairs I tried the door and it was unlocked so I walked in and to make sure they knew it was me I shouted "it's me y/n I'm not a burglar" I said as I laughed to my self and locked the door. I walked to the kitchen to see my dad stood with his arms crossed looking mad I didn't care if he was mad at me I just went up to him and hugged him and I know I am a very emotional person and I started tearing up a little bit. "Y/n what's wrong are you ok" he said pulling me into a warm hug. "Yeah I'm so sorry I know you was only trying to make sure I was safe I'm sorry" "well where actually was you" he said in a more serious tone pulling away from the hug. "I'm not kidding I was actually at a mates" "which mate" "Leah's" "oh alr so what was this then" he got out his phone and showed a picture of me and Trent at a coffee shop and driving of together

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