.part 13.

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(I fell asleep so I didn't write and also feeling under the weather so might not write much I'm so sorry for not being really consistent I hope you like it 🙂)

*skip two days later*
It was the day I was going to the England camp yes I know ahh I'm so nervous but excited at the same time. I went home yesterday to get my stuff and dropped of belle at my dad's as Millie had already had her for a week.Anyways I was only 5 minute around form Saint George's park and my knee started bouncing as the nerves really did start to kick in. Sooner or later I had arrived I had thanked the driver and got out of the car to the boot to get my suitcase and Man U boot bags. I said hello to everyone and was greeted by one of the staff and they took my Man U bag.

I felt someone tap me on my shoulders which made me jump a little and it was Leah.

"Wha- Oh my god Leah you made me jump" i said letting out a sigh "oh sorry didn't mean to make you jump y/n you alright"she said embracing me in a hug."yeah just a bit nervous aha" "don't worry you'll be fine cmon I'll take you to meet Sarina"

I'm literally freaking out right now what happens if she doesn't like me what would I do would I be dropped would I have to leave early I'm so frightened

"Y/n hello" Leah said waving her hands infront of my face "huh wha-" I said coming back into the real world "you'll be fine y/n if I like to then she'll love you" "wait you don't love me" I said dramatically putting a hand to my heart "cause I love you y/n" she said laughing at how dramatic I was being "I know everyone loves me but I don't know about sarina" "well she will okay so come on now" Leah said dragging me down to a corridor where I stood the main women herself

"Y/n someone I was going to find hi it's a pleasure to meet you" "uh yeah hi it's very nice to meet you too thank you for giving me this massive opportunity I really appreciate it" "it's not me it's you that worked for it you deserve and I see you already know Leah" "yes I say we get along well" i said this with a huge smile on my face "well I better let you go and meet everyone, everyone should be here soon" "thank you pleasure meeting you"

I walked off and my phone pinged it was Trent

Hey how is it are u there x

Literally shitting myself before
I met sarina 😭 but it's good and
How are you You back in liverpool Now  x

Yeh I'm back In Liverpool now
I've been called up for the men's
Soon so I'll be in at same time x

Omg yesss x

Well I'll let you go and meet everyone x

Okay byeeee x

Byeee x

I looked away from my phone and I was smiling massively then I felt my hand go loose and realise someone had took my phone. It wasn't Leah cause she had walked off so I turned round to see

"Ella" "Ella give it me back" "ooo y/n's got a boyfriend"she said making kissing noises "ooo let me see" I saw Mary now come and take the phone of Ella "guys give it back please" "yeah just one sec" she said scrolling through the messages.

I quickly snatched the phone from Mary and zip it up in my England tracksuit pocket."so who is Trent" "guys I'm not talking about him right now please I'll tell you later" "okay fine and you can because we're sharing y/n us three " Ella said.

"Okay well can I go meet some people now I feel so not social right now" i said "okay come on" Mary said putting an arm round my shoulders

They both took me to the group of girls and their was Ellen, Jill, Beth, Chloe,Nikita, Demi,Ellie,Millie,Rachel,Lucy,Fran,Keira, Georgia,Lauren,Alex,Jess,Hannah,Beth,Lotte

We didn't do anything today it was more of just relaxing and everyone just getting closer to each other and bonding really.

It was now around 7:00pm so I headed to my shared room. Mary and Ella weren't here yet so I called Trent but I wouldn't mind if he was busy. I really want to get closer to him he said we can see how close we are and how it goes which gave me goosebumps when he did.

The phone answered to a tired looking Trent "hell y/n" he said it in a croaky, tired voicewhich made my body shiver oh my what he does to me "hi Trent you look tired you okay" "yeah just had training today that's all" "oh okay it's alright if you want to get some rest" "no it's fine I just want to see your face" my face went red straight away after he said that

"Trent stop that" I said looking into my arm as it was a FaceTime and I didn't want him to see me go so red after that "y/n I want to see your face your gorgeous" I looked up and he just stared and smiled at me which wasn't helping with the redness on my face.

Me and Trent were on call for an hour and a half laughing and joking around and then suddenly the door flung open and it was Ella and Mary and I quickly ended and looked up to them

"Are you talking to your boyfriend y/n" "he's not my boyfriend" I quickly texted Trent

Trent I'm so sorry I ended it
Mary and Ella walked in and
I didn't want them to see you
So sorry I'll try and speak to
You tomorrow bye x

That's absolutely fine y/n don't
Worry about it I understand bye x

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