.part 30.

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Another day training again and I did my ritual got up eat breakfast, train, go gym and then media/relax.

I did some media at the end of the day and then went to my room at 5:30pm.

I called Trent as he always entertains me and makes me laugh as I was too tired too talk to people in person.

"Alright y/n" Trent said in his scouse accent making me giggle and he said.
"What you laughing at" he said smiling at me.

"Nothing, anyways I'm good how about you" I said smiling at him.

"Yeah I'm pretty decent, I'll try and make it too your next game but I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it"

"It's fine I know you'll be supporting me at home, well I hope so anyways aha"

"Course I will and I know you'll get through to semi's" he said confidently whilst me on the other hand doesn't like getting cocky or predicting stuff.

"Uhm well I hope so anyways" I said a bit awkwardly even though nothing was awkward.

"You'll not get through with that attitude let me tell you that"

"I know but it's just I don't know I don't want too turn up to game like oh we're easily getting through."

"Ah i understand, you can think you'll win just don't underestimate the team that's all"

"Yeah true"

"So how come you called me anyways not that I'm bothered just wondering" he said giving me a quick smile then staring into the phone at my eyes.

"I was just bored but I didn't want to be with the girls as they're in crazy hour" I said giggling.

"Ah so you called me" he said giving me a look.

"Yeah because your that obsessed with me I knew you would answer" I said laughing at him as he was pulling a sassy pout face.

"Well aren't you nice" I laughed at him as now he went into a fake stroppy face.

I was laughing a lot now as I laughed at pretty much anything that's not even that funny and Trent was laughing at me as I snorted and it was all hectic.

Soon our laughing fit stopped and we both sighed and just stared into the camera.

This man is so handsome and I absolutely adore him I've got to win the euros to go on a date with him.

The FaceTime went on for hours and hours until it was time for me to get some rest as I had one more day of training and then we would be heading to Brighton.

*match day*

It was quarter-finals day and I was more than ready.

I got out of my hotel bedroom and went to the public kitchen diner to go eat my breakfast.

I had avocado on toast and cup of tea.

I finished my meal and went back to my room to put my tracksuit gear on and went to this lounge area to just hang out with the girls for a bit.

We had a meeting with sarina and everyone then went back to where they were.

I headed back up to my room to ring my dad.

"Hi dad"

"Hiya sweetie what's up"

"You coming to the game today"

"Yeah like I said"

"Ah alright just checking anyways you been good"

"Yeah, yeah been good we're already in Brighton amd me and your mum are just going out for a meal
whilst your Nannan and grandad are just looking after kids"

"Ah alright well I'll let you get too it can't wait too see you even if we lose or win"

"Ah I'll bet you'll win sweetheart just do it for the country"

"Will do dad"

"Go get em sweet"

The phone call ended and it was now 1:00.

I went out for a cup of coffee with Mary and Ella and we had a walk round Brighton to see some of the neighbourhood.

It was now 4:30pm and so us 3 headed back to just get sorted out as we we're going in an hour as the stadium was 30 minutes away from our hotel.

We wasted time by doing TikTok's and some of us got some one to one talking by staff just motivating us so we don't get low confidence levels and yeah.

I got my bag/pouch and put my phone, AirPods and charger in there and went and sat next to Ella on the coach.

I had a quick Power Nap but before I knew it I could hear the fans cheering and I soon woke up.

I put my thumbs up to them as Ella was in the window seat and I got my seatbelt off and headed off the coach.

We said hi to all the fans and gave photos and signatures then headed in.

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