.part 29.

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I woke up and found myself trapped in Trent's arms.

He was fast asleep, and how can someone be that handsome whilst sleeping it's unreal.

I decided to try and get up as i checked my phone to see the time was 11:00.

I slid out of Trent's arms and he woke up and groaned.

"Sorry Trent I tried not waking you up"-

"It's alright it's about time I got up" he said in his sexy morning voice.

I got ready into another England tracksuit and did my hair and said goodbye to Trent and headed up to my shared room with Mary and Ella.

I knocked as I didn't have my key on me and it straight away opened and i practically got dragged in by Mary.

"So what happened did you have se-"

"No Mary please we just stop" I said grossing out about it.

"Anyways what happened" Mary said all excited.

"Not much really we hung out did some face masks and watched films and cuddled and then fell asleep pretty much yeah"

"Sounds cozy well I hope you had a nice time but we've got to go soon"

"Yeah and well anyways where is Ella"

"She's just nipped out for a quick coffee with Ellen and Ellie"

"Ah alright well anyways want to do a TikTok to waste time" Mary suggested

"Go on then" I said chuckling at her.

We did the dance thing and we looked like total idiots but it was so funny.

It was now time to get on the coach again so I sat
With Ella as per usual and chilled for the rest of the journey as I was so tired.

We arrived at sgp as we were training there all week until the day before the game where we then would head to Brighton for the quarter finals vs Spain.

I wasn't hungry today so I'll just get something for supper at around 7pm as right now it was 4:45.

I fell asleep in my comfy bed and slept for a hour and a half as I didn't get any sleep on the coach.

I headed down to get some cereal and went back up to my room and put some tv on.

The day slowly went on and it was now 9pm.

I got into my cozy primary fluffy pyjamas and my fluffy socks to get all nice and warm and put a kettle on that was in my room.

I grabbed a cup a pot of milk a spoon and popped the teabag in the cup and waited for the kettle to stop boiling.

The kettle popped and I poured it into the cup with the teabag in it and added the milk and let it sit to get some more flavour into it.

A few moments later I carefully take the teabag out and place it into the bin not with my hands with a spoon and sat on my bed with a cup of tea in my hand as the aircon wasn't going off in the hotel and it was freezing so that's why I'm wrapped up in the middle of the summer.

I popped on the tv and snuggled into my bed and slowly drank my tea.

My eyes were slowly closing and I feel asleep.

It was the next day and it was 9:00 and I headed down to the food area for some breakfast.

I had pancakes and syrup today and then I headed to the physio to just do some test before training.

I quickly finished up at physio and i got my fresh and cleaned boots and then headed up to the pitch.

We did an hours worth of training and headed back to do some gym work and physio.

After around about of 4 and a half hours all together we had finished for today and everyone was just resting.

The day slowly dragged on and I headed to my room which I was by myself this time.

I put some cleanser on my face and rubbed moisturiser on and tucked my self into bed.

I went on my phone until my eyes started getting weary and they eventually drifted of.

(Again I said this last time I'll just try post little ones each weekend as I know some people like this and I would love it to be Christmas when I write it but idk if that will happen if not well then oh well but hope you are all safe and sound and yeh❤️)

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