.part 15.

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Training had finished and there were people in the stands so we went over to give them photos and autographs.

But I didn't want to go as I felt like I didn't fit in because I was surrounded by top class players and I was practically a baby to this team I know I'm playing for my country right now but I'm not having a lot of confidence at the moment which will not help with my football in games.

"Come on y/n people want to see you" Jill Scott shouted which made my eyes go wide open and realise someone knows me and wants to see me

Soon my face turned into a huge smile as I headed over to the group "hi how are you" I said to one of the fans "I'm good your one of my favourite players I'm so happy you got called up" my heart ached by the little girl "thank you so much it really means a lot" "can you sign my shirt it says your name on the back and a photo" she said putting on puppy eyes "of course I would love to"

She smiled so brightly it made me melt no one has ever said they had my name on their back it's such a shock.

Everyone else that was watching us were so sweet and supportive I've never felt so happy before I was finally getting my confidence back it's unreal.

Everyone went back now to go and recover and relax and then tomorrow is gym day and training which will be very tiring.



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Liked by trentalexanderarnold, y/nredknapp and 23,119 others @england there's a new face in town 🫣@y/nredknapp

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Liked by trentalexanderarnold, y/nredknapp and 23,119 others
@england there's a new face in town 🫣

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@username yess glad to see she's finally here

@username ugh get back to the kitchen don't deserve to play a man's game 🤢

@username come on England 🤍🤍

@ellatoone finally she's here waiting ages 😭 @y/nredknapp
-@y/nredknapp thanks Ella 😭

We headed back inside and everyone jsut chilled out and recovered. My hamstring was a bit tight so I went to get it massaged and healed back up.

Whilst the physio was doing my hamstring I texted Trent

dk if your in training
Right now but hey x
Oh no I finished an hour ago
How are you what you up to x

I'm just at physio cus
My hamstring feeling
A little bit tight atm x

Oh well hope your okay
Us boys are coming in soon
Like a few days maybe a week x

Yayyy  x

I put my phone down and the physio said "so who was that" she said "oh it's just a close friend" "oh okay if you say so well my name is hazel if you didn't know" "well my name is y/n if you don't know aswell" I said both of us laughing.

It was an hour later and everyone gathered round for tea. I had spag Bol and a glass of water.

Everyone finished up their tea and we all jsut headed to lounge room to chat and play games for a bit

I was very sleepily right now and I was dozing of my phone pinged making me jump.

It was my dad

Hi sweetheart how is it x

Hi dad yeah it's going great 😊

Good can't wait to see you
Get to play x

I might not play first game
As my hamstring is feeling
A little bit tight and we don't
Want to risk anything so I might
Wait for a better opportunity x

Oh I'm sorry to hear That bubs but you'll Be getting your debit Soon I hope and make The redknapp's proud I'm sure x

I do hope so because I don't want to let the  family down 😭 but anyways I'm feeling a little bit tired so I might start heading to bed x

Let me tell you this now y/n you're most definitely not going to let your family down your gonna make us proud darling but I hope you get a good nights rest goodnight love you x

Oh thank you so much and you too x

I then headed up to my room and fell flat on my bed star shaped.I got into my pyjamas and took a photo for my Instagram


Likes 6,399 comments 311 @y/nredknapp day 2 ✅ @england

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Likes 6,399 comments 311
@y/nredknapp day 2 ✅ @england

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@ellatoone you better not be going to bed already
- yes I am 🙃

@username so perfect
- no you are 🥺🥺

@username love the pyjamas 💗

@hazelsmith love you already and all I did was be your physio 😭
-😭😭 love you too
-@username wait she had physio she might be injured
-@username I heard she only might've just stretched her hamstring 🤷‍♀️

I put my phone down on the bedside table and closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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