.part 22.

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I laid on Trent's bed and he laid next to me.
He opened his arms open for me and i just took in the silence and sighed.

"What's wrong"
"Nothing I'm just so happy right now" i said with a big smile on my face
"Aw I'm glad you're you deserve it" Trent said smiling back at me

"Wanna do a deal yeah" Trent said to me
"If you win in the final I'll take you on a proper date"
"And if I don't"
"Well then you don't get to go on that proper date with me"

"Okay I'll win for you then" I said looking up and smiling at him.
"Have you got training tomorrow as well"
"Yep but it'a early for me tomorrow"
"Ah well mine is at 11:00 so yeah"

I fell asleep on Trent's chest and I could his heartbeat and breathing helping all my fears flow away.

No one has ever had this effect on me before I hope I do win and go on that date with Trent because he means a lot to me already which is really weird because normally I don't really trust anyone until I properly know them which it feels like I've known Trent ages.

I slowly felt someone nudging me and Trent was whispering "y/n it's 10:00 do you want to go back to bed now Ella and Mary will be wondering where you are"
"Omg yeah sorry I fell asleep I lost track of time"
"Don't worry, I had fun today and the other day I'm so proud of you"

I headed to my room that I'm just sharing at sgp today because we had training in the morning.

"Where have you been we've been looking all over and spamming you" Mary said going into mum mode.

"I was in Trent's room I fell asleep"
"Oh I see" Ella said winking at me "Ella no nothing happened I just lost track of time and fell asleep end of conversation" i said getting my pyjamas and going into the shared bathroom to get changed.

I ran and jumped on Mary and Ella and both of them groaning out in pain as I literally just jumped on them.

"Y/n ow get of me hahah" Mary said laughing at my facial expressions I was doing as I was stuck and I couldn't get of.

But then my worst nightmare happened Ella started tickling me.I am possibly the most ticklish person in the world.

"Ella stop ahah stopp" then Mary joined and I was trapped I started kicking my legs and they stopped as they were scared I was going to kick them.

"Y/n get in bed and go to sleep I don't want to hear no moaning in night" "Mary I'm not going to be moaning because nothing happened"
"You won't be saying that when your on record"

I turned the light off to make Mary and Ella get in bed and stop surrounding me with so many questions because I really wasn't in the mood.

I went on my phone for a little bit and closed my eyes to get a good night rest.

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