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.on phone to Jamie.
"Dad I might come down to London and watch The Fa cup final because I don't have anything else to do and yeah" "of course are you getting on train" "no cause I'm taking belle down I can't leave her on her own and I can stay for like a week if that's okay for you dad" "course sweetheart ring me when you're nearly here and I can't wait to see you" "okay will do dad love you" "love you too safe travels"

.it was 4 hour drive so you stopped at a petrol station to put some petrol in and get snacks.

"Dad I'm just round the corner now" "ok love I'll unlock the door for you can't wait to see you"

I arrived outside the house and got out the car and stretched because my back as it was aching a little. I got my stuff out of the car and grabbed belle and it was a bit much but quickly my dad came and got her so I didn't drop her. "Oh my god dad I've missed you so much" I gave him a side hug because I didn't want to nudge belle cause she had just fallen asleep in his arms.

We headed up the stairs to be greeted by my step-mum "mum" I shouted out in joy and dropped my stuff and ran towards her giving a big hug.
I had a special bond with my step-mum she was always the one that's asked me about boys, she listened to the drama, she knew me so well and I mean I know my dad does very well aswell but it's easier to talk to my step-mum because thinks all the boy talk is cute but my dad gets overprotective.
I heard my sibling BEAU REDKNAPP and my step siblings RAPHAEL REDKNAPP my other brother CHARLES REDKNAPP is in America. "y/n is that you" beau said shocked "yes" "oh my god" he tan straight towards you and gave you a big hug. "Look at you Ay" "I heard you got into the England squad" "yes I did"
"Can I come in now belle is making my arms ache" everyone laughed at my dad and we headed inside.

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