Cp.3 Sasuke And Sakura : Friends Or Foe?

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"Mommy i'm going now! i don't want to be late " your younger self said your mother walked up to you and hug you tight is your first day of academy, but her face is blurry to see " your growing too fast from the day you were born i wanted you to stuck as baby so i can protect you from anything but that's kinda impossible " you mother then give you a kiss on the forehead you giggled , someone is knocking the door your mother opens the door to find your friend yuna " your ready to go! " she asked .

"yes! see you later mom! " and walked beside yuna " girls remember no 'accidents' ok? " 

" yes mom! " 

" yes ma'am! "

"Don't worry m/n they are smart girls " your father said trying to comfort your mother his arm around her shoulder " yes ...they are dangerously smart that's what i'm worried about " . 




The sound of the alarm woke you from memory/dream you use your Telekinesis throwing the alarm across the room " your grumpy this morning .. bad dream? " tobirama asked you got up " Not really just.. nothing .." you went to the bathroom to get ready and eat breakfast the hokages saw you act different this morning was something bothering you? .

"Y/n is something bothering you? you can till us " minato said you got a little nerves " i..just .. i miss my family.. and friends back home.." sad look on your face , even if your in your favorite anime and friends with naruto and others you feel sometimes homesick hashirama frowned " don't worry y/n i'm sure your friends will return " .

You heard some noise in the other apartment of course is naruto , today is taking picture for ninja ID so you walked out of your apartment near naruto's door before it opens " n/n-chan!! what are you doing here! believe it! " you gazed at his face paint trying your hardest not to laugh " what do you think? i live next door you forget? " there was moment of silent " oh..right.. what do you think n/n-chan!? " naruto asked " y-you look handsome narubro " .

"Hey you!.. are you sure you want to look like that? " the photographer said " yes, of course! C'mon so hurry hurry! " naruto insist the photographer sighed " Don't regret it later " i just stand there waiting to get my photo next " Say cheese! " and toke that picture " pfffffffft...really you look stunning narubro " .

Then is your turn " ok girl..say cheese! " you smirked " Banana! " you said and got your photo, hashirama and minato laughed at the banana line tobirama was just facepalm " n/n-chan you look cute! " naruto said " Aw! thank you nerubro! " .

at the hokage office~

The hokage stared at the photos of naruto and y/n , your photo was quite cute but naruto..." I couldn't decide on how to look, it took me 3 hours to decide " .

" but as you can see, it's more like a work of art! doesn't it look great?  " 

"Take it over " naruto burst " What?!" 

"Take it over.." you didn't help but giggle a little " Stop saying that! " they stared at each other ..here it comes~ " transform! " naruto exclaimed revealing naked girl version of naruto " really naruto.." you didn't look at him , his father is shocked same to hashirama , tobirama didn't bother to look .

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