Cp.18 Ebisu Returns , PERVY SAGE HERE!

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After we left naruto drags us to find kakashi for training "naruto.. kakashi took sasuke for training so please don't yell" yuna said trying to calm him we were walking in the street naruto follow kakashi to hospital for sasuke's injuries' "naruto this is a hospital keep it down" kakashi stepped to meet us "kakashi sensei! anosa anosa! i've got a favor to ask! " .

"Sorry but i can't .. but i searched for someone to watch your training" he said naruto huffed "why?! i want you to kakashi sensei!" and pouted angry "then..well who is it?"

"it's me!"

"Huh? Ah! you! the CLOSET PERVE!" naruto exclaimed "such insolence!"ebisu said .

'Ebisu sensei is a closet perv?' kakashi thought "yes! one time i found manga of-"yuna got her mouth shut by ebisu who smiled nervously "what do you say silly cute chubby child-" she removed his hand "eww your hand smells like onion did you have i...

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'Ebisu sensei is a closet perv?' kakashi thought "yes! one time i found manga of-"yuna got her mouth shut by ebisu who smiled nervously "what do you say silly cute chubby child-" she removed his hand "eww your hand smells like onion did you have it for lunch?" yuna said "i clean my hands very good!" he argue back "not for me my smell sense is stronger hooman!" .

"Why's this guy my training teacher?!" naruto asked "in the first place he's weaker than me!" kakashi got more confused than ever "what did you say?" , " i beat him with my harem jutsu! this guy!" ," that's right harem jutsu!" y/n said ebisu shuts both naruto's & y/n and yuna's with chock hold mouth .

"Harem jutsu?" kakashi asked "U-uh it's nothing!..i'll treat you all to buy whatever you guys want later just be quiet about that?!" naruto scoffed "you better" ebisu pated naruto's head "well they're unsavory ties" ebisu chuckles "but why this guy? i don't want him" naruto said "nither i if it weren't kakashi favor who'd teach you for the fun of it?" after some argue naruto challenged/test ebisu in tag your it "i really liked that game the O-5 after that forbid us from playing it lame-os" y/n said both girls gazing at naruto clones running around from ebisu clones from top buildings "RUN NARUTO RUN!" y/n cheered "he's gonna get caught sooner or later.." yuna said .

And finally ebisu got him on the bridge "you're freaking pesky! give it up already!" ebisu scoffed "this is chase so chasing is natural right?" now that he got him naruto have no chance other than follow him .

Naruto eating ramen so dose y/n yuna left them so she can have her long deserved sleep ebisu went on explaining chakra control to naruto while y/n finishing her seventh plate of ramen after eating they went to hot springs 'this is my first time in hot springs maybe i'll get yuna and the other girls joining us' y/n thought "more importantly why've we come to place like this? will soaking in a hot spring do anything for training?" naruto asked "no! the training will be here in this spring area" naruto gazed at him confused .

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