Cp.20 Training? Playing?... Or Akatsuki?

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At the apartment~

"What are we gonna do less than a month the village will be attacked" yuna said the ghosts stared at her, y/n sighed then cross her arms "don't worry yuna everything will be just fine i know i have plan for them" y/n replied "what kind of plans?" .

" i'll tell you come near" yuna moved close while y/n whisper her plan yuna's eyes got widen "your not serious are you?" y/n smirked "i'm serious about what i'm gonna do and you will handle him for me while i take care of the other one" y/n said , yuna shook her head in disbelieve " your plans are always fine a$$ madness! y/n!" yuna pouted y/n chuckles they didn't notice the person behind them in the shadows " did somebody say fine a$$ madness? hehe " both girls hugged each other startled off by non other then ' SCP-076/Able' "Able you here?!! long time no see" y/n exclaimed "well .. when i hear the word war i'm here tell me your plan short stuff" he said y/n pouted " short or not i still kill you" Able smirked 'so that's him again from last time we saw him' tobirama thought .

"We are once again together" yuna said "yes but some people are lame to fight .. and pizza doesn't exist in this place which is annoying" Able groaned "how about we make you pizza if you could start training us for the match?" y/n suggested Able nodded .



"Okay now start from beginning i want this time to see you kill each other not the other way.. got that?" Able said .


People in the village start to feel small earthquake the place where yuna & y/n are training is pretty far but still like what the hell is happening Able watch them fight with incredible speed and strength for little body like them but not all their fights are serious y/n hopped on yuna rolling on the ground laughing Able sighed 'it's like play date for them..' he thought also the ghosts walking to them "okay stop this.. i'm gonna fight each of you let's start with y/n come alone" now standing in he's fight style while y/n did the same yuna took a sit on rock .

"You guys ready?" yuna asked they nodded "BEGIN!" in a blink Able pulled his favorite swords running to y/n , she blocked his attack with kunai but it broke right away 'damn it if i have my weapon from home but still manage to find way' y/n thought she got behind him kicking he's back knocking the one of his swords out of his hand .

Able stand up again "not bad .." y/n smirked holding his sword "i was thinking to work on my new move later by myself" yuna said "oh? so you making new special move for our battle?" y/n asked , "yes i want it to be surprise also can we go visit the moon?" y/n thought for moment "yeah why not we are breaking the rules anyway" y/n smiled they hear Able clearing his throat "oh yes pizza!" , ' moon? how can they do that?' minato thought . 

"that was long day of training .. i'm exhausted .." y/n said her head hitting the pillow and rolled to the side "yuna do you think they miss us back at home?" y/n asked yuna glance at her " lot of people miss us .. even scp-999 who knows what time were gonna have to return .. also is good to tell naruto about us he trust us as family now we shouldn't hide that from him" yuna replied "yeah.. i like for him to know about his parents too.. his lucky" y/n sighed "why do you say his lucky?" minato asked rasing his eye brow "because he'll know what kind of parents he have.. but for us.. we don't even remember their names, faces ..i'm jealous " y/n replied and close her eyes falling asleep .

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