Cp.8 Returning Home!. The Chūnin Exam!

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I was walking through the halls leaving the room of torture behind, inside the room hospital like laying there doctors dead their blood paint the walls and the bed i was once laying there , i glance to the wall beside me seeing logo of this stupid place .

I was walking through the halls leaving the room of torture behind, inside the room hospital like laying there doctors dead their blood paint the walls and the bed i was once laying there , i glance to the wall beside me seeing logo of this stupid...

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( GOC)

Other soldiers come up to me " better go back to your cage you little bitch or i will kill you right here!" one of them said i smirked , light start to flicker next i hear was their screams and begging's for mercy .



y/n's pov:

I open slowly my eyes and blink a little ' i'm in tazuna house ..were the others?' thought " y/n! your awake! we were worried sick about you!" minato exclaimed " your okay right?! right?!!" hashirama cries his brother shaking his head in disbelieve " yeah i'm okay.. just got carried away a little is not the first time .." i replied sweat dropped seeing bandaged from the fight, i heard some foot steps then the door opens revealing naruto and the others "Yo!" i said with peace sign "n/n..n/n-chan!!" naruto run up to me and hugged me to death and inari followed him too " idiots! she's still healing from her wounds" sasuke scolded "Ah! sorry n/n-chan!" naruto said .

"It's okay i'm fine.." i smiled at him " we were worried about you give us heart attack for some of us " sakura said "Awwww is miss forehead being nice to me?" she glared at me but can't do nothing because i'm injured or can't show her ugly side to her beloved sasuke "Hump!" kakashi looked relief that i'm alright then both zabuza and haku walked in " hello y/n ..sorry for the trouble i did back in the bridge" zabuza apologized and haku nodded " we are grateful for what you did for us thanks y/n " haku said my eyes grow glossy with tears " you two are CUTE!! mr. cow and snow i forgive you!" .

Both shinobi blushed 'cute!' i hugged them both .

pov :                   

The other guys glared at them " okay that's enough hugs for today you need to rest y/n all of us need it then will return home" kakashi said moving both zabuza and haku away from her "Awww lame.." she pouted angry .

" Now now what i said be good girl " he said zabuza glared at him .

The next day~

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