Cp.13 Gaara's Cruel Strength!: The Rookie ten Together Again!

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"is he still shaking?" shino asked hinata kneeled down to akamaru " akamaru.." 

" i don't blame him it's because he saw that thing.." kiba said   

Flash Back~ 

"after all brains are most important in survival! right akamaru?" akamaru barked as saying 'Yes!' to him " lucky for us we got the scroll already we'll be the first once at this rate!" 

" don't get carried away that's dangerous " shino said " i know that! " he replied "b..but shino has good point .." hinata said 'naruto-kun..i hope thing's ok with him' she thought, suddenly akamaru and kiba sensed someone around " let's stop here " both hinata and shino stops " hinata can you see 1 kilometer that direction?" hinata nodded and activate her byakugan "byakugan!" .

"there's someone here" she said

" there are.. 6 people " shino said "okay let's go take a look!" " kiba what are you saying were not going there" he didn't care and start running to that direction in the end both of his teammates follow him, hiding in the bushes akamaru start to tremble "what's wrong akamaru?" kiba asked akamaru hide under kiba's jacket still shaking from fear "akamaru can sniff out level of enemy's chakra and tell his strength but this is the first time i've seen him this scared, the people other there are not ordinary guys.." 

"Sand village kids coming to challenge us humph it's foolish" the rain ninja said, kiba's team were watching them "what's that little guy thinking to fight with those guys?" kiba asked akamaru snaggles more to him made kiba gasped " what did akamaru say?" hinata asked " he's saying big guy is dangerous .." he replied .

"Hey, kids you should pick your opponents you're all going to die " he smirked " that's enough of you let's do this quickly.. old chap from hidden rain village " gaara said .

"Hey gaara.. doesn't it make sense to follow them and gather information before hunting them?.. if they have the same type of scroll there's no need to fight-" kankuro didn't get to finish " it doesn't matter " gaara interrupted him " if their eyes meet with mine i'll kill them all" .

'That's why i don't want to be with this guy' kankuro thought the rain ninja huffed and pulled his weapons "well, let's do it quickly" throwing them " die kid!" .

"in addition all the senbons are controlled by my chakra and attack on the intend prey " the senbons attack directly at gaara when it's clear gaara appeared not harm his sand shielded him from the senbons "is that all" he said "not even one? no wounds ridiculous! "  he tried again but the sand was quick to protect gaara "senbons huh?..well, i'll make it rain blood" the rain team gasped " what a gient chakra.. and that sand ..it smells terrible" kiba said "smell?" shino asked " a strong smell of blood " kiba replied .

"Wall of sand? " 

"That's right an absolute defense by sand he manipulates sand inside a gourd and hardens it magnified chakra it defends the circumference of gaara's body it's a jutsu that only he can get away with furthermore, it's somehow always automatically done which means that all attacks in front of gaara fade into nothing " kankuro explained "that little.." , "you guys can't defeat our gaara " the ninja got angry "don't underestimate me " and run forward to attack gaara made hand sign his siblings smirking 'that's what you get for rebelling against gaara' temari thought "sand coffin!" .

The sand start to surround the ninja and hold him still "i can't move " the umbrellas fell to the ground his teammates stared helpless gaara stepped close and hold one of the umbrellas "i can cover your loud mouth and kill you but that's too pathetic" the ninja got very high in the air "sand burial" the teams gasped seeing the blood rain "there's no pain i knocked him even harder than was necessary the bloody tears a corpse merge with vast sinking sand and provide more power to the demon of war " gaara said " th-the scroll take it please let us go" but gaara didn't care he have to kill for the demon inside of him, he killed both of them "this is bad.. let's escape quickly! if he finds us he'll kill us" kiba said .

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