Cp.6 Kakashi: Sharingan Warrior!. mr. cow alive?!

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"Not bad for little girl" zabuza said you rolled your eyes " you say not bad? that all you could say?" y/n board of zabuza's attacks .   

'This fight will be longer then i expect ' y/n thought she looked at naruto and sasuke both their plan work much agents zabuza but good that kakashi is free from water prison, " that's great naruto! " y/n exclaimed zabuza was gonna use the shuriken on naruto " you little brat! " he yelled but kakashi stops him" kakashi sensei! " sakura said " naruto your strategy was outstanding you've grown up all of you" making naruto smile " your son really smart in battles" hashirama said minato looked very proud of him .          

Both kakashi and zabuza jumped back both of them do hand sign in the same time " naruto!! get out of here things will get pretty wet! " y/n warned him , he start to swim back out of the water Water style: water dragon jutsu! , two water dragons come out and start fighting " it's much cooler close! " y/n said ' maybe i can try!' she thought when the water come close you float up the bunny himself was startled , there is no why i'm getting my sandals wet HEEEEeeeeeeeell No! NoPe .

You felt a person behind you watching the fight 'snow bunny is here! i would like talking with them after this fight, hope they listen to me' .

kakashi copied every move zabuza do making y/n giggled from this" his doing the same movements!" tazuna said and his getting mad " hah! you're just coping you're a pale imitation"

" you wont be able to beat me! "

" you wont be able to beat me! " 

'That's amazing! like telepathy i do!' y/n thought" I'll shut that copycat monkey mouth permanently! " .

"Water style : Giant vortex jutsu!" kakashi said " W-what?! can't be!!" before zabuza said other word he was send by powerful vortex, naruto holding y/n tight from the strong wind .

"How..are you able to see into the future?..." zabuza asked y/n snorted " yeah..your going to die" a bunch of needles shot out impaling zabuza's nick he fell to the ground ' dead' Ugh.. you hate needles, everyone looked up seeing haku AKA/snow" you were right he died.." haku said you just want to jump and hug the shit out of him, kakashi checks if zabuza really is dead 'no pules' but y/n can sense his brain activity but she won't say anything until she met them again .

"I have been waiting for the chance to kill zabuza " haku said " by the mask you're a traker ninja from the village hidden in the mist" kakashi state haku nodded " we learned it at the academy naruto.." sakura said naruto walked up to him staring back to zabuza then him " what are you " naruto shouted " hey you!" .

"Naruto..stop it his not ..our enemy here " y/n interrupted him " B-but! n/n-chan!" y/n sigh " it's over ..naruto that his job not ours we are here for a mission not fighting anyone on our way got it? " y/n said he looked down but felt a hand in his shoulder " you did great! don't beat yourself up about it" y/n smiled at him , he give her soft smile haku took zabuza and left us " let's keep going! i'm already hungry! " y/n shouted " we almost here come on" tazuna said kakashi toke step forward only to collapse almost face plant in the dirt thanks to y/n kakashi's body float in the air ' i think now we even' y/n thought " come on guys! me and kaka are waiting! " she run while kakashi float behind " she return to her goofy self again what a weird girl.." sakura said .

Time skip~ ////////////////////////////////////////////////      

Kakashi slowly opens his eye 'it seems I've overused my sharingan..' he thought trying to sit up he got welcome surprise from y/n " you awake! " he turn his head seeing y/n beside him "how you feeling kaka?" his favorite student asked " kinda ok .." she nodded " are you alright? seems you finely awake" tsunami said " not really it will be hard just to move for about a week.." kakashi replied " you can ask anything kaka! i'm always here!" y/n said with a smile.

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