🌟 Special - Beach Day & Horror Night 🌟

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It's great to go on beach trip after all we all need some day off of life itself all ninja teams walking through the forest near the beach is cottage for spending the night lee lifted the bags showing off his strength to y/n while the other guys glared at him "we are almost here!" tenten exclaimed the clear view of the beach and seagulls flying around close to the forest cottage big enough for the teams for sleepover & some scary stories to tell .

Lee jumped in front of y/n & yuna taking their bags to the cottage soon after the boys ran after him "boys acting wired around you two huh?" tenten smirked y/n just shrugged sakura and ino huffed as y/n is #1 enemy for them, the girls went inside preparing to wear swimsuit/bikini for sasuke "can't wait to go in the water" yuna said y/n glance at her "i always think you have some connection to the sea some how like a mermaid" yuna laughed shaking her head "how on earth i can be one when in movies you have unrealistic sizes of mermaids never one of them are least chubby or different normal body size" .

"That's why i want to see you in swimsuit!" 

Y/n dragged yuna yesterday for shopping never suspect she's gonna force her in one .

Everything was setup for fun day beach & BBQ , fire pits some chairs while the girls change .

"Man can't wait to see y/n in swimsuit/bikini" kiba said naruto humped "don't you dare do anything with my sisters dog-breath!" sasuke 'Hn' at him as kiba glared "really you guys think of those things.." neji said .

"What a drag" shikamaru whined 

"Oh really what about the way you looked at them in whole trip what is that?" shino mumbled the ghosts glared at the hyuga kid "NEJI SATY AWAY!" naruto pointing as threat to him 'there's no way i'm letting a teme , dog-breath , destiny guy , bug man or bushy brows , lazy stupide or fat guy near them!' naruto thought .

"Guys we're here!" the girls called leaving the cottage y/n pulled yuna out "what's to be ashamed of yuna you're CUTE!" .

( Y/n wears whatever you want you're gorgeous whatever size you are girls) 

( Y/n wears whatever you want you're gorgeous  whatever size you are girls) 

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(While yuna wears this ) 

Hinata came out her head smoking hot as yuna stand beside her blushing "you two are very cute!" naruto exclaimed running to them glaring back at the blushed enemies behind "guys the BBQ are set!" choji called

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Hinata came out her head smoking hot as yuna stand beside her blushing "you two are very cute!" naruto exclaimed running to them glaring back at the blushed enemies behind "guys the BBQ are set!" choji called .

The girls went fast to the water as y/n & yuna on the chair relaxing "sasuke-kun~ come here and have fun with me~ " ino said getting the uchiha attention until sakura jumped in "No! sasuke-kun come here!" sasuke just 'Hn' at them and walked the other way which made the girls argued with each other "hey! y/n what do you think of this?" choji said handing plate of BBQ ready to eat right away "i know you and yuna can't eat pork for some reason so i used beef meat and chicken" , "oh thank you choji i could eat those chubby cheeks of yours!" y/n poking choji's face made him red and run back 'tck..' the boys thought , y/n pulled her phone to play song while yuna read some book . 

"So please don't take my love away~" y/n sang closing her eyes humming sound of the sea soft wind around "oi you want to come in the water?" y/n crack her right eye open seeing sasuke "oh yeah why not" y/n replied .

"I agree, i want to see if humunukuapua here " yuna said leaving the book on small table "what?" naruto asked yuna smiled " a wedgetail triggerfish " .

The others soon follow preventing sasuke from any wired act as for choji he stayed with the food "let's play a game!" tenten suggested lee have fire of challenge in his eyes "alright! let's play who's fall first in the water , you need partner on your shoulder also the other team and who can take down the partners team wins!" lee didn't think twice as he left yuna on his shoulder "AH! lee .. are you sure i'm not heavy.." lee raised thumps up "you're not heavy at all!" , "Alright! let's do it!" y/n beamed on sasuke's shoulder "OI DOBE!" sakura/ino glaring daggers "naruto get with hinata!"y/n smirked hinata glance ahead with rosy cheeks "alright why not! i'll win against you teme!" .

Day went on playing and having BBQ until sunset "we're gonna have horror night! get your stories ready" naruto said inside the cottage lights off except some candles on the rookies sat around in circle taking turns telling some scary legends "i think i forgot my blanket i'll go and get it" y/n stand up leaving "be careful!"naruto yelled sakura huffed "yuna your turn tell us a story have to be better than ino's" .

"What did you say forehead!" 

"This is dump.."yuna mumbled reading , sakura shrugged "well if you can't do it" yuna closed her book clearing her throat "the story i'm telling it's not just legend it's curse of La Llorona the story start with beautiful young women have loving husband and lovely children the legend story about her is different in other countries but one thing can be share in them is.. hunting kids like us others say her husband was in affair with another women however, one day her and the children disappeared they found them dead in near by river drown they say the mother drowned her own kids then herself , till this day people of Mexico or Latin hear her cries at night searching for her children in white dress crying (¡Ay mis hijos! , ¡Ay mis hijos!) " in Spanish 'translation : oh my children!' .

Naruto gulped holding his blanket while the others listen carefully to the story so dose the ghost " she takes kids to the river and do the same thing she did with her own people call her the weeping women or la llorona in her white dress" .

The door suddenly open reviling figure covered in white standing all the rookies screamed in terror thinking that she come to take them while yuna picked her book again "why are you guys screaming?" y/n asked removing the cover "i found my blanket!" she smiled they sighed in relief in the end sakura thought twice before calling yuna to tell a story like this she stayed awake all night even in her home . 




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