Cp.27 An Unrivaled Match: Hokage Battle Royale!

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"So what's up temari?" kankoru asked while holding gaara on his shoulder temari checked then stands up "he's close ..he's right there" 

"Dang it! what should we do?" asking his sister temari smirked pulling her tool fan "leave it to me" at that time sasuke almost close to them until he run cross trap that activates and explodes several ones start to blow still he manage to dodge them 'that was close..' sasuke thought same as naruto & the others heard the noise 'that's means we are so close to him ..i can sense him' yuna thought .  

At the barrier 

"Now then, shall we get started?" oruchimaru grind widely but before that he heard a familiar voice on the side between him & sarutobi , y/n stand her right hand on her hip "you didn't invite me in the party i'm hurt ya know" she said with a smirk "why are you here y/n?! you should be with naruto as i said!" hiruzen scolded but that didn't shook her off not least she put finger under chin and hummed "oh?..that? i decided to change my plans so are we gonna fight? two on two?" y/n smiled walking her way beside sarutobi as for the anbu's they stared at each other 'is she really can do it?' they thought .

Oruchimaru only glared but change to wicked smiled "sure why not?" , ' after i win will take you & sasuke with me' .

'Sarutobi don't you dare show weakness in the fight that's what he want's focus' y/n telepathically said to him but still it feels to him like.. real "they look like how they used to look more than ever.." sarutobi mumbled oruchimaru made hand sign to control them "please enjoy it" both kage's start walking to them then running tobirama went to y/n and hashirama went to sarutobi , while tobirama engaged in hand in hand fight with y/n "lord hokage! even if the shape and form are the same .. they're neither the first hokage nor the second!" one of the anbu's yelled to him .

"Dang it ..Hiruzen Sarutobi ! get hold of your self!" y/n called out that snap him from hashirama's  kunai attack while y/n throw tobirama back with his brother "here i go! Fire style: fire dragon flame bombs" sarutobi breath out flames while y/n took it as a chance for sneaky strike "Water style : water wall" tobirama's water turn off the fire but when the fire almost die out unusual white flames start eating up the water all as the fog cover the place but not too long as strong bunch hit he's face throwing him couple feet's away "that's impossible how did she do that! a genin too! she used the hokage's attack to sneak on them" .

Oruchimaru only smirked "can't believe a genin can pulled that y/n you really impressed me" recovering from the attack tobirama pulled his hand 'Water style : water shock wave!" . 

'Earth style : mud wall' sarutobi wall build around them but wasn't enough to protect them "Come next to me right now!" y/n called sarutobi moved beside her as the wave close to hit them y/n used magnetic shield to cover them and fly on top of the...

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'Earth style : mud wall' sarutobi wall build around them but wasn't enough to protect them "Come next to me right now!" y/n called sarutobi moved beside her as the wave close to hit them y/n used magnetic shield to cover them and fly on top of the wall .

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