Cp.17 Gaara vs. Rock Lee :Forbidden Secret Jutsu!, Haku's Battle

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"Hey choji you're in trouble only the strong ones are left , the sound guy and that lee also haku not forgetting the rain village dude other there and particularly that sand guy his probably the strongest one " shika said choji got scared "i ..i don't care i plan to forfeit right away if that happens " , "so that means you plan to forego all you can eat BBQ too then" asuma said "what? come on!" .

"Don't worry if things start getting ugly i'll step in and stop the fight like i did for hinata okay? after that you can eat what you want" asuma trying to cheer him up just like y/n did to yuna 'don't forget you promised me those donuts!' yuna telepathically said y/n nodded 'i won't don't worry' y/n gazed at the sand siblings sensing gaara is not stable 'gaara doesn't look like himself..' y/n glance at yuna 'he act different before when you meet him?' y/n asked 'yeah..he look more.. bloodthirst i don't know why' naruto notice how his sisters so quiet "what's worng?" he asked "nothing narubro" y/n smiled at him but still not convents there's something hiding . 

"Kankuro?" temari asked her brother who is walking away "just a little info gathering mission.." walking to them "hey! what are you guys doing here all by yourselves?" .

"it's none of your business is it?" naruto replied "that guy neji hyuga right? what's the matter with him" he asked naruto raised his arm up high " i'm going to crush him!" , "err..that's not what i was asking" y/n sighed "it's just family drama .." yuna made some *bored dolphin noises* as respond "you guys seem like fun i quite like you" .

"You're dull and i don't like you at all believe it" naruto said "sorry kitty my bro right what about you yuna?" y/n asked yuna "he wear make up.." shisui nodded in agreeing with her  kankuro dump founded "it's a war paint! not make up!" he argue 'right...war paint' yuna thought .

*cough* "we will now resume the battle"  names start to fleck at the screen everyone watching who's gonna be in the next match for gaara he teleport to the battle ground " hurry up and get down here.."  choji screamed "SAFE!" both shika and ino hit him in the head .

' Gaara Vs Rock Lee '

Guy sensei said some advices for lee for the match before he jumped down to the battle ground doing fight stand "i don't know what kind of moves that bowl cut guy has but he will never take gaara.. never " kankuro said 'he's fast to be sure but his kick is not all that great ' temari thought .

"No..his stronger than you think" naruto said "y/n! yuna! lotus blossoms twice!" lee said yuna titled her head in confusion but y/n understood him she smiled at him 

"please don't be in such a hurry" lee said holding the button gourd

Sand start to come out of the gourd "the 10th match match begin!" lee run fast to him "Leaf hurricane!" sand protect gaara from his kick lee jumped back avoiding the sand 'sand manipulating jutsu eh? sounds like trouble but let's it a go!' lee start to strikes kicks non stop using kunai to dodge the sands attack on him "what's the deal believe it?" naruto asked "no physical strike is going to have any effect on him the sand shields and protects gaara on it's own accord independently of any intent on gaar's part to touch or injure gaara" kankuro sated hashirama hummed sasuke watching closeup  .

'Curses he's not moving a muscle and still..' lee thought "is that it?.. entertain me a bit more there's not enough not enough yet..blood!" gaara said sending sand to lee he tried to avoid it but caught him and throw him across to the wall lee got up to attack him , no use the sand still protect him good thing he dodge the sand attack now standing on the statue .        

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