Cp.7 Battle on the Bridge! Zabuza Returns

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'Naruto over trains himself again his cute face so peaceful while sleeping' y/n thought still in her night clothe from the other night, couple of birds fly down greeting her and some on naruto's head " ah..you here?" y/n heard familiar voice behind her it's heku the birds fly away , haku started at her feeling something different in her she's very pale he walked up to her putting his hand in her cheek unaware of her faint blush " your cold how long have you been out here? your gonna get sick" he said in worried tone, y/n smiled " it's ok ..it's normal for me to be like this i'm gonna be fine!" she replied still blushing " what are you talking about? your freezing!" .

'why is he like this? ' innocent  y/n thought naruto then wakes up seeing y/n and strange 'girl' with her .

"Uh..did you wake me up sis? i mean what're you doing here?" naruto asked faint blush on his cheeks he turn to y/n " n/n-chan!why are you so pale!? are you sick?!" hugging y/n "haha..narubro i'm gonna be fine don't worry " she said .

Both naruto and y/n help haku gathering medicinal herbs and talking " so are you like brother and sister but you don't look a like" haku said " well yes we are but in blood no i don't care much about it both of us wanted one thing a family " y/n said smiled to naruto which he returns it back " i see.." .

"i want to get even stronger to become the best ninja in my village and i have to prove to a certain person" naruto beamed " is that for the sake of somebody or is it for your own sake?" haku asked naruto give confused look to him " do you have somebody precious in your life?" haku asked y/n stared at him " i have lots of precious people in my life of course naruto is one of them i love them i care for them .." y/n replied haku smiled at her and stand up " i hope we meet again somewhere" he said y/n frowns a little .

"oh...and ..i'm man" making naruto surprised ' AH! that can't be! he's cuter then sakura!!' naruto thought .

Sasuke hit both of y/n and naruto " WHAT THE HELL MAN!!" naruto and y/n yelled "Hn..did you forget about breakfast?" he said noticing y/n's pale skin " and what are you doing in night clothe? you got your self sick idiot" he grape her wrist pulling her with him " hey! what are you doing teme!" naruto then followed behind .

" can't believe he forced me to rest what happen to that uchiha avenger .." y/n said laying in bed " y/n we need to talk about yesterday .." minato said y/n sighed " i know i scared you that night...it's ok ask "  .

" What was that .. that happen to you? no in fact what are you?" tobirama asked " will to answer that ..here the scp stand for in order to understand what kind of things your gonna know about me " y/n replied the three kages ready to listen of what she's gonna say .

"SCP stand for Secure, Contain and Protect , we secure ..we contain most horrific creatures you can't even imagine like sealing you do of course not all of us can be contained.. protect we protect each other and others from this creatures " y/n stated making the kages gasped " w.. what kind of place is this? " hashirama asked " will can be anywhere ..in the ocean in desert or even space " y/n replied .

"About tobirama's question of what am i ..i'm not human either sure i look like one but not in DNA or blood type what i did that night is releasing some energy from my body i didn't use that energy can keep running whole village in power for 100 years or even more , not all of the SCPs are humans some of us what people call monsters or anomalies but believe me monsters can act more human then humans themselves " y/n said .

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