Curry Of Death 🍛💀

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There are many types of monsters in this world..

monsters who not show themselves and who cause trouble..

monsters who abduct children.. monsters who devour dreams.. monsters who suck blood.. and monsters who always tell lies.

lying monsters are real nuisance they are much more cunning than other monsters.

They pose as humans even though they have no understanding of a human heart.. they eat even though they've never experienced hunger.. they study even though they have no interest in academics.. they seek friendship even though they do not know how to love.

if i were to encounter such a monster i would likely be eaten by it.. because in truth.. we are that monster.

SCP Foundation.

Author's pov :

"it's for the village we have to do something and make our way to that village" the man cried holding back his friend after witnessing his own friend buried by cloak people alive, they have to run for help not knowing the psycho mumbling of how great is the funerals and doing it again "one.. two .. three people got away again looks like we can have another funeral" .

In the middle of the storm the three men struggle on the side mounting to flee until rocks fall down pushing them to the water losing conscious.   

 One of the men woke up on someone's back seeing the sky clear and birds singing "this is.." he mumbled until naruto continue his words "the village hidden in the leaves" .

"who are you?" the man asked 

"Naruto uzumaki right now i'm in the middle of training!" naruto replied with a smile the man couldn't stay awake and fall again unconscious "h-hey! i said hey!" naruto called " naruto! i see you saved them" naruto turned to y/n standing in other said of the river "y-yeah i don't know what happen to them.." y/n grin helping naruto carrying the others "right now let's get them the medical help they need yuna will be there too" .


Walking through the forest they stumble across Lee who was training with metal shoes, Lee notice them carrying some men "yo! y/n what happen?" Lee shout waving his hand "oh.. the usual gonna help some peeps i smell a mission close by" y/n replied with a grin .

"Really don't forget about our match" Lee said " yeah yeah.." .

Reaching the hospital village yuna met with naruto and y/n waiting their arrival "man is like you two knew that will happen" naruto huffed holding still the man "yes.. we know a lot that is close to dangerous anyway is the rooms ready?" , " yeah been waiting for you do you need help naruto you look tired" yuna sweetly said attempted to help naruto while he chuckles "i'm good! " yuna nodded understanding and entering the hospital. meanwhile a new mission by tsunade for a client since guy sensei insist in more missions this one will have to take his students along with y/n , yuna and naruto for some reason honestly those three are tsunade's favorite people.

"But my pupils can undertake the fulfillment of this mission without incident WHY can't be just my pupils!?" guy screamed he don't hate the three kids he likes them and some time spare with y/n & yuna even challenged Able but want to prove how strong his students are against kakashi's however tsunade with a tic mark said "it just is.. those three people that they saved came all the way from the katabami gold mine to request a mission it's one of the land of the rivers greatest mines but about half a year ago, hooligans calling themselves the kurosuki family appeared on the pretext of guarding it and took control of the village".

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