Cp.4 Pass or Fail: Survival Test, you failed!

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After lunch~

Team seven now waiting for their teacher naruto whining can't wait any longer " He's late" y/n setting in the end of the class wearing headphone listening to music "naruto stay still " sakura said " why's it that only our squad's teacher is late ?, the other squads have gone off somewhere with their new teachers " naruto asked " naruto ..being patience is one of ninja's skills " y/n said, sakura nodded in agreement but heard shuffling " hey what're you doing naruto! " .

" hehe! it'll be his fault because he's late! "

"Hn..a jonin wouldn't get caught in such a week booby trap " sasuke said " you wanna bet? 400 if he fall for it, and if not i will give you double " y/n surprising sasuke he smirked and nodded " me too there is no way our teacher will fall " sakura joins " suit yourself " hashirama and the two kages face palm .

A hand slid to open the door cussing the eraser to fall on kakashi's head naruto laughed while y/n collating her money , sasuke and sakura dumbfounded  " i'm rich! my bitches! " y/n said listening to ariana grande - 7 rings " y/n you can't say this stuff like that " hashirama said you looked at him " ain't got enough money to pay me respect " minato and tobirama chuckles little " kakashi sure grow a lot" minato said .

" hmm~ how can i put this?..as for my first impression of you guys..?.. well, i hate you all " all of your team sulked except you " and i love you too! " kakashi turned his gaze at you confused you just smiled back .

y/n's pov :

"You new kakashi is gonna be your teacher ? " minato asked you nodded i set beside naruto while kakashi talking " first off, let me have you guys introduce yourselves " 

"Introduce ourselves?.. what should we say? " sakura asked " really sakura? even a child will know " y/n said sakura glaring at her " your likes , dislikes , your future dream, hobbies , things like that " he said " can you please tell us about yourself? " naruto asked " me? my name's kakashi hatake , i don't feel like telling you guys about my likes and dislikes " oh~ i'm gonna end this man's whole career " your kakashi hatake the copy ninja you don't like people who left their friends your likes is cooking, reading your favorite icha icha paradise book AKA/ por--" someone smack my mouth shut seeing kakashi's face blushing from my last words " next you guys " then moved his hand away " let's start with you " .

"My name's naruto uzumaki! i like ramen from ichraku and my sister y/n even if were not siblings by blood but she's like family to me , i hate when she forced me to eat things other than ramen , what i dislike is the three minutes after pouring hot water in the instant ramen and my future dream is to be come hokage so i'm going to get the entire village to acknowledge my existences! "i smiled warmly at him " okay next " .

"I'm y/n from SCP clan my likes hinging out with naruto and my friends, i like some time to prank my family members , helping people even if they think i'm kinda different in a way  ( your likes  ) and my dislikes is people mistreating others , ( your dislikes ) , my dream is not really decide yet.. but i like to save and help as much people as i can and be a good shinobi " i finished kakashi hummed and nodded " next " 

" i'm sakura haruno what i like..i mean, who i like is.." 

** cough ..sasuke cough **

" and , my hobby is ..i mean " 

** cough stalking sasuke cough **

" my future dream is ..." she squeals hurting my ears 

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