🌟Special - Baby Y/n! 🌟

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The third hokage asked y/n & yuna for help about some secret scrolls have to put on other place safer " okay all the scrolls is out i put lot of trust on you two to move them in safer cell the jonin made for them" the third said " alright we will!" y/n replied holding stock of scrolls while yuna took the other half and close the office door .

The third pulled his papier smoking 'hope nothing happen' he thought .

Placing the scrolls on shelf y/n then pulled colorful scroll "look yuna what a weird scroll must be something on it" y/n said yuna sighed "what ever it is don't open any of them the third trust us on them" yuna replied smoke appeared around them "what the?! y/n did you open it?!" yuna asked but didn't hear any respond from y/n yuna waved her hand to clear the smoke when it dose she's left speechless "oh..no" .

Someone knock on the door "alright i'll open" sakura said opening seeing yuna looking nerves "what's wrong?" sakura asked "i need your help.." then yuna took her by hand to the apartment her & y/n live .

"What ever you gonna say ask me later and help me" yuna said when they entered the apartment is empty "what? where did she go?!" sakura still have no idea what she's talking about "yuna what's wrong?" yuna huffed "y/n..she-" 

"Hellow" they stared up seeing y/n on the celling "AH?!" sakura exclaimed supervised little 3 year old child "that's ..y/n she open scroll and ..you know the rest" y/n giggled hopping down which yuna caught her "that was close.." yuna said "so what are we gonna do? did you talk to kakashi sensei? zabuza?" yuna shook her head "they both training sasuke & haku for the tournament don't want to be trouble for them besides the affect of the scroll last for a day and that's good" yuna replied sakura sighed in relief y/n did the same and sighed 'can't argue she's cute' sakura thought .

"Y/N SOOO CUTE I WANT TO HUG HER SOOO BAD!!" hashirama cooed "can't deny it she's cute!" shisui said y/n giggled waving at her ghost friends which sakura notice "who she waving to?" sakura asked yuna forgot about the kage's ghost and the uchiha "ehh..imaginary friend?" sakura shrugged .

"Whoa! flowerw" y/n holds the flower that sakura was gonna give sasuke but couldn't sense kakashi sensei took him for training "Ah! y/n give it back it's for sasuke" sakura snatched the flower from y/n's hand "sakura give the flower ..back" yuna whispered to her but sakura humph not caring y/n eye's grow glassy and whimpered "sakura it's just a flower..please" yuna said "like i car-" y/n cried loud yuna tried to calm her but no use more worse the lights of the apartment flicks so goes for the village .

please" yuna said "like i car-" y/n cried loud yuna tried to calm her but no use more worse the lights of the apartment flicks so goes for the village

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"y/n it's okay .. calm down please" yuna cooed hugging the crying 3 year old y/n "what is happening?!" sakura asked yuna sighed "it's her powers ..she can't control them" , "then make her stop!" sakura replied y/n pouted angry " your big forehead ugly peasant!" y/n pointed before running off crying "what did that brat say!" sakura yelled before running behind her "sakura you musen' t!"yuna then follow not much later the kage's follow behind .




"Sense we came here nothing but strange things happen" kankuro said fixing he's puppet temari nodded cleaning her fan "can't wait to return home" .

"Now what this time?!" kankuro said in annoyed tone their apartment lights flick almost flashing brighter when they heard cry of little girl past by 'is this place hunted or what?' temari thought the door open baki sensei enters glancing at them "...

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"Now what this time?!" kankuro said in annoyed tone their apartment lights flick almost flashing brighter when they heard cry of little girl past by 'is this place hunted or what?' temari thought the door open baki sensei enters glancing at them " you guys kept an eye on him right?" he asked of course about gaara " yes his in his room " kankuro replied as he's sensei enter the room gaara wasn't there 'tch..' , " didn't i say keep an eye on him??! he is now gone!" both siblings gasped & went to find him hopefully....

Little y/n with her small legs run in the forest hiding from miss forehead " she's so evil! .. and i'm alone.. scared.. i want my mommy.." she said trying to dry her tears but more tears came put and start sopping again she then heard foot steps close behind she saw tall shadow turning her head to see red head .

" Y/n! are you here?!" yuna called for her knowing she might be close her but can't shack the feeling of someone else here , laughter echo through the forest yuna smiled finally she found the little girl walking now to it the next sight in front of her , can't help but to smile at y/n hugging gaara who is stunned not moving like a statue not much for the kage's & shisui like .

" my Prince is here to help me!" y/n exclaimed gaara glace at yuna for help " y/n is past your bedtime can we go?" yuna asked her y/n puffed her chubby cheeks " i want my panda prince with me" yuna sighed " well .. can you come a long? we already have much disasters for a day" gaara stared down at the 3 year-old who give pleading eyes 'kid go .. i have too much bullshit happening! i don't want this child to kill me right now! please!' shukaku said he had enough scp's to last him life time .

In the end of the day things turn back normal except for y/n have to explain her self to gaara with red face while yuna smirked .

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