Cp.5 A Dangerous Mission! to the Land of Waves!. Mr. Cow!

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"Why didn't you tell us that?! " hashirama exclaimed both minato and tobirama nodded knowing about your age, you act innocent as you can to fool them " i'm.. sorry i forgot.. can you forgive me? " you said with big shiny eyes that melts even SCP-682's heart hashirama can't take it anymore " i'm SORRY! can't be mad at you! don't be sad! " he cried tobirama sighed in annoyance but can't stop thinking you adorable , minato felt bad so he apologized inside of you, you smirked works every time let's call it CUTE NO JUTSU! you thought .

"And i'm gonna save mr. cow and snow! " y/n said confusing the kages " who are they? " minato asked " the enemy's that will face in our mission! " she replied " why do you want to save enemy's?" tobirama asked .

"Because...because they don't deserve it..i'm sure they are nice but didn't have someone to love or help ninjas aren't tools they still humans in the end.. and i have others like that in my family ..that's why! " you smiled making them feel worm inside maybe there's still hope in shinobi world for peace , and it's with you . 


"Sasuke point B "

"Sakura here at point C! " 

"Naruto here i'm at point A believe it!,your slow naruto! " 

"Wait where's y/n? " kakashi asked 

"Here! I've already have the cat" 


The rest of the team came out of the trees seeing you petting the cat in your lap " how? " sakura asked " i'm animal whisper that's why! " y/n said proudly .

Naruto takes the cat from you the cat hissed at him and scratch him even stepped on him multiple times you quickly remove the device avoiding your ears bleeding from naruto's yelling " CAN'T WE GET A BETTER MISSION THEN THIS I HATE CATS!! " .

At hokage's office~

The lady hugs her crying the cat looks more depressed to return to her " Ohhh! my cute tora i was worried to death about you! "

" tupid cat serves him right " naruto said y/n walked to the women " lady you can hold your cat like that " y/n helps the lady holding her cat right way the cat purrs relaxing "oh! thank you never seen tora calm like that " .

"I'm pets owner that's why i have experience with cats , dogs , birds and many more! " y/n said interacting with other SCP animals was always cute thinking about SCP-111 and SCP-131 " the next mission for kakashi's seventh team is...an errand to the neighboring town to babysit the chief councilor's boy.." .

' I like babies' y/n thought .

" helping with digging for potatoes ..."

'That remind me of SCP-1689 the potato sack now i'm hungry ...i remember back then when i was little i eat a lot in ordered to grow , my kind is some time weird but i'm proud! " y/n thought "Nooooo! " naruto said forming X with his arms " No! no thank you! i want to do like a more exciting mission! give us something else! " .

"my son has no sense of respect " minato face palmed

"You fool! you're still bottom rookie! gaining experience from simple missions! " iruka said ' when i was this age i fought with angry alien robot in Jupiter genin or not i'm an SCP in the end.. not forgetting Apollyon class " But! it's been nothing but blah missions so far! " kakashi hit him in the head "knock it off" .

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