Cp.12 Naruto's Counterattack: Never Give In!. SCP Power! Orochimaru's Nightmare

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Warning! this chapter will contain : violence , blood 

Pov :

"AHHH! GET AWAY FROM ME!" sasuke screamed throwing shurekins at the giant snake mouth dropped dead then something came out of it " don't lower your guard not even for a moment ... a prey must always stay tense and flee desperately.. before a predator" he chuckled moving to sasuke like snake he is, suddenly knifes got in his way he gaze up seeing naruto with y/n's team .

"Sorry sasuke!" naruto said .

"Naruto! y/n you here!" sakura exclaimed " the password i forgot it!" 

"Naruto! y/n! that women it's not on our level!" sasuke yelled ' Man..his wild up shaking like a brat from last time we met zabuza how embarrassing' y/n thought gazing at orochimaru " seems like you brought that giant snake down brilliantly, naruto" orochumaru said " snake that big don't scare me at all what i'm after is ... you said the pray have to be on guard at all times to flee the predator , how about .. you be the pray and i'm the predator?.. orochimaru " y/n state grinning .

Orochimaru raised his brow ' she knows?..' naruto glance at y/n confused " wait.." sasuke interrupted everyone attention on him he pulled out the scroll " if it's the scroll you want i'll give it to you i'm asking you just take this and go "sasuke said making everyone gasped except y/n & yuna ' stupid sasuke he don't want that he want you good thing i told naruto what to do before that' y/n thought " Hey! sasuke! what are you doing? why are you giving our scroll to the enemy?" naruto asked "you shut up!" sasuke replied he throw the scroll to him but naruto took it back and hit sasuke "what you doing all of a sudden?!" sasuke asked .

"your not the sasuke i know aren't you?" naruto said huffing " that's right the real sasuke won't do that " y/n replied " w-what are you two saying?!" sakura asked " you loser! i'm real me!" .

"Lair this stupid coward is.. absolutely not the sasuke i know!" Naruto use 'Talk no jutsu ' on sasuke maybe he will listen as for y/n she jumped down beside him haku was gonna follow her but yuna stops him " yuna? what-" he gasped seeing her eye glowing with emotionless expression on her face " stay with sakura and the others we will take him.." after that she jumped to y/n .

Y/n & yuna face orochimaru naruto wanted to fight too he run passed them not caring what y/n said "Naruto!" minato shouted worried for his son's wellbeing , naruto activate the tailed beast chakra again using it agents orochimaru's snake " naruto his.. strong .. how?" sakura confused of what she saw in front of her orochimaru " y/n! we have to do something!" haku said y/n didn't respond to him his shocked seeing her holding her head tight he turned to his other teammate doing the same 'what is happening to them?!' he thought "Ugh.. can't.. happen now" yuna said panting the memory of that place hunt her so does y/n "next is sasuke!" the snake move forward fast to him but got stopped by non other than naruto " hey..you not hurt? ..scaredy cat " .

"This stupid coward is absolutely not sasuke i know! " naruto got wrapped by THAT NASTY TONGUE " let me go! darn it!" .

' to think that the nine tailed brat lived..' he thought making hand sign lifting his jacket up revealing the seal mark ' Five-pronger sealing!' .

"sasuke! help naruto!" sakura said naruto's eyes return normal again and lost conscious orochimaru pulled the 'scroll' out of naruto's bag and throw him away ,but naruto's body float in the air sakura gasped then sasuke turned his head to y/n his eyes grow wide .

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