Cp.21 Flowers Of Hope ,Evil Hand Revealed

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Lee open his eyes 'oh i'm back in bed i tried to work on my self even if i'm all broken apart ..but..but' his eyes got watery but notice couple of flowers with note on the side table ' Lee i know how you feel you want to get stronger fast, you have fire in you i can tell but your body needs to rest think as part of training to relax little your body will heal fast and start your training again don't forget lee you really impressed us on your last match we can't wait to fight you soon! better get better fast we will be waiting for you ..

Y/n & yuna ;) '

Lee's face painted with faint blush they are impressed by him?! he even want to jump out of the bed and start but he'll rest for now gazing at the flowers they brought, it give him hope and the will to go back soon 'thank you..' he thought smiled before closing his eyes to rest .

"Ooff that chief toad won't give up ..." y/n said setting in near by waterfall yuna stared worried for naruto if he fall from the frog's back y/n saw jiraiya watching from far away naruto's struggles ' teacher of the year..' y/n thought jiraiya chuckles "this is getting pretty interesting " but instead he watches some girls on the water fall "sorry naruto but I've gotta get back to work.. research" he mumbles the toad jumped high and fly to get naruto off "Bust off!" he jumped to the river staying under water hopes naruto leave him be .

'Darn what an obstinate little squirt' chief thought before hopping out of water and right back ' no way were getting socked!' y/n activated shield around protecting them from being socked by water "is he alive?!" shiusi asked jokingly y/n glance at minato he looked concern for his only son but she know naruto will pull through .

In sand village~

"Lord kazekage i successfully moved all three pawns to the real battle as planned" baki said "the agreement with the sound village side has been progressing with no problem too" handing scroll one of the ninja took it and hand it to the kazekage "you still have something bother you?" .

"Well..i was wondering if you could position some soldiers near the border on the pretext of undertaking a tactical exercise with only the four of us.." baki thought the problem of scp member could be an anbu "the leaf village isn't idiot either their anbu black ops are moving about.." baki sighed "but with only our current military capability.." , " that's why i sent gaara and the others out there the restoration of the authority of hidden sound village is resting on you.. well go" he interrupted him  .

"Yes sir.." 



"Man.. almost there naruto.." y/n said it's sun set chief toad still trying to win against naruto but you know that number 1# knucklehead "i'm not falling off no matter what!" the toad turned to him "hey brat what's your name?" he asked "NARUTO! it's naruto uzumaki!" naruto replied "naruto uzumaki.. naruto don't hold it against me if you die " hopping once again "OMG.." y/n gazed at the flying toad coming their way 'let's move yuna..' y/n thought yuna nodded and teleported away the toad land near the waterfall "no! this is the sizzling young ladies entertainment spot!" jiraiya exclaimed both scp girls looked at him unimpressed .

"i'm not falling off when i'm so close to succeeding!" using clone jutsu to stay on his back very still much of the frogs 'annoying' "how do you like that! camabunta? i'm still on your back!" naruto laughed and made victory dance but fall out of  exhaustion in right time the chief caught him by tongue ' to think that he could held out like that against a tough opponent like gamabunta .. ' jiraiya glance back before leaving throw the scroll of naruto's name on it 'that jiraiya meddling in i am fully aware of the fact that this guy here summoned me all on his own i mean it's first time since the fourth hokage that somebody climbed on my head as might be expected he must be totally drained ..don't mind disposing some of my power to him..' he thought "let's go yuna.. will find him in the hospital he really did great job" y/n stand up walking back home "how about making a cake! for him?" yuna asked .

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