Cp.25 Late for the Show, but Ready to Go! : Sasuke Style!

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Naruto hopped down to meet them a long with shikamaru y/n called for yuna to walk inside "our fun got cut off.." y/n puffing her cheeks angerly " yeah but hey! we had fun we can continue later after the war " yuna replied y/n smiled at then notice those guys...who want gaara to lose to sasuke yuna hold her hand walking away from them but got hold to stop " where are you girls going?" One of them said with a grin " nothing were gonna go to watch sasuke's fight " y/n glared at them " we like to play little before we scare that brat from sand village" the other guy said "...he's not a brat" yuna replied both men scoffed "no matter how strong you are i'll put you in your place" he hand where almost reach the girls until sand surrounded them "don't touch them.." a cold and raspy voice said behind .

"What?" shikamaru asked naruto they saw two men struggle to flee, lights cut off and broke while y/n hold her best freind from seeing the next horror the sand crashed both ninjas that they never been here in the first place shika & naruto watch in horror as their scream faded in the dark followed by sound of foot steps happen to be gaara's shika and naru didn't move one bit until gaara was out of sight at that they collapse setting on the stairs "naruto! shikamaru! you guys okay?" voice naruto gasped standing up to meet y/n & yuna "i should ask you that?! did he do something to you" he asked y/n shock her head 'no' "we're okay" .

'I have to warn him that gaara is gonna kill him!' naruto thought after running to where kakashi and the others      



Gaara's sand start pouring out but his head throbbed as he held his head in pain "please don't be mad ... mother" sasuke got confused what is he talking about "earlier.. earlier i had you suck awful tasting blood .. i'm sorry but this time it'll likely taste good" gaara mumbles "he's convention's started this is dangerous" kankuro said scared remembering what his brother can do in his condition "this is first time i've seen gaara get like that before fighting so it must mean his opponent is that imposing ..him" temari said .

sasuke pulled shurekins throwing them at gaara not too long clone sand of him stop it sand attack him but dodging it jumping up moving fast he strike hit to the sand clone than move forwored to attack gaara even if his sand shield him sasuke smirked teleport fast behind gaara 'just like rock lee' in the last battle gaara got hit thrown back 'almost same taijutsu of mine..' lee thought "so that's your sand armor huh? come on" sasuke said standing same as lee .

' lee thought "so that's your sand armor huh? come on" sasuke said standing same as lee

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"Hey thanks for the help anbu guy" kiba said but akamaru barked at him "what's wrong? hold on i don't get it you said we met him before?" the masked anbu turned to him he knocked him & akamaru out to not disrupts the plan going but do little they know the surprise is waiting for them "come on if you won't do it then i'll will" sasuke running towards gaara his sand trying to protect him but sasuke too fast hit him below " i'm gonna tear off all your armor" that uchiha sure is cocky anyway , he did the same spinning around him like lee & attack yet again that moment gaara made hand sign his sand covered him creating ball .

"Naruto.." yuna quitly sighed 'naruto wants to stop the fight because of how dangurouse can turn for sasuke but will kakashi hear him "kakashi sensai!" naruto called for his teacher lee smiled when he also saw y/n & yuna with him "naruto y/n and yuna" naruto panted taking a breath "you have to stop the match right away his about far from normal as you can get" yuna and y/n exchange looks to each other 'boy you forgot about us?' , "what are you trying to say?" ino asked naruto continue " if this continues sasuke will die! you got to believe me!" scaring sakura, kakashi glance at him then at y/n "you have to ... it's the truth" kakashi sighed turned back at them "relax no need to panic there's reason were so late getting here" y/n only scoffed at him 'i'm not saying this but this won't end good for the others' , zabuza notice strange anbu on one of the roofs ' why is he there?' same for haku he followed where naruto and the others where 'there is something strange is about to happen' .

Gaara activat the thired eye jutsu mumbeling same time sasuke trying to breack through gaara's tough sand same time dodging the spicks that came out 'i don't know what the hell your up to but i got something for you' sasuke activate his sharingan .

Meanwhile group of anbu's circal the place " man that one anbu is scary.. i don't think his human good thing the third hokage order him mission else where" on of them spoke there was other ninja's from sound & sand shinobi hiding to start the plan of destroying konoha naruto on the other hand had tantrum on kakashi to stop the fight while y/n focused on sasuke's match sasuke glances y/n then smirked 'what an emo ego ushiha..' y/n smiled tobirama saw how THAT uchiha stared at you 'tch..' , he went up on the wall collecting his chakra "what is that lunatic is doing?!" kankuro hissed quietly "his not following the plan" temari said is going to get bad without the signal to leave right now across from them shino feels something odd yuna pulled on y/n hand 'it's going to happen y/n..' she telepathically said y/n give her suring gaze and return to watch ' at any time..' .

At that moment the chakra builde up on sasuke's hand creating electric force "d-don't tell me that .." guy looked at his rival "the reason i decided to train sasuke was because he was like me.." kakashi replied .

Running in high speed "what the heck is that?" naruto asked " the ability of the chakra to focus solely on the target and moreover the speed of the job makes a sound of birds that's why it called chidori one thousand birds" guy explained "impressi...

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Running in high speed "what the heck is that?" naruto asked " the ability of the chakra to focus solely on the target and moreover the speed of the job makes a sound of birds that's why it called chidori one thousand birds" guy explained "impressive!" shisui exclaimed on that sasuke's strike break through the sand shield everyone watch closely yuna felt uneasy by the thought gaara got hurt .

'What ..? this warm thing..?' 

" Blood ..my blood! "     

Sasuke pushed back trying to pull his arm out freeing himself as long and clawed arm came out "this is never happen before i think his hurt.." temari said while kankuro tremble of the sight of that awful horror he remember in the past , loud roar  growling the sand shield slowly broke apart and melted ....

Both gaara's siblings watch in horror of what they see ...

To be continue~




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