Cp. 19 Girls Hangout!

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Yuna's pov:

I woke up from my sleep that never happen and even didn't sleep well i tried to close my eye's again but didn't work ugh...now i can't sleep again y/n still sleep i don't want to wake her up i know how to precious 'sleep' so i got up from bed "can't sleep? that not like you" shisui said i shrugged 'maybe i little walk will be fine' i thought i wasn't in the mood to change my handmade PJ donut .

I stepped out of the apartment teleporting to the top 'so peaceful here and it's full moon ..wait full moon that remind me of something..gaara!' , teleported i found him top fish who said he's monster if he like some quiet and gazing at the moon people scared of things they don't understand his village never let chance to understand him so they afraid of him but me & y/n not .

gaara!' , teleported i found him top fish who said he's monster if he like some quiet and gazing at the moon people scared of things they don't understand his village never let chance to understand him so they afraid of him but me & y/n not

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"it's quiet night" the sand came out to attack but stops mid way 'is like the sand have mind of his own ..that's his mother' he turned cold as ever i moved close "it's gonna be wired if we have two moons instead of one?" i asked i know my talking is weird and strange he stayed silent so i just sat down "hot sand can turn to glass is easy to make objects and shapes with it and add colors to it but that kind of things are not exist here" we stared at the moon soft wind past by " what are you?" he asked with he's raspy voice i hummed " well sometimes i don't know but.. all i know the people call us unhuman or something like that were not humans after all" i answered "not human? i don't understand" .

" unhuman creature biologically not human related like we have things that normal humans like you don't have like different DNA or blood type even if we look like one ... some people say we are monsters of sort" his gaze never left the moon light "..monsters you like me?" he asked i thought for second then shrugged "maybe?" 

"Where did you come from?" he asked i raised my hand up to the sky he looked at me confused "from above the sky.. empty , cold , dangerous yet beautiful space that where i came from other than that i don't remember much" my eye's never leave the darkness of the night " at least you and y/n not like the others.. others are weaklings but your gonna be up against her " , "oh so we are not that bad? sometime when we fight is like playing and fun nothing serious not forgetting the tag your it game very fun but they forbid us from playing it" i pouted 'how fighting can turn to playful game?' he thought i just hold my giggles hearing his thoughts you will get surprised in our match just wait .

 others are weaklings but your gonna be up against her " , "oh so we are not that bad? sometime when we fight is like playing and fun nothing serious not forgetting the tag your it game very fun but they forbid us from playing it" i pouted 'how fi...

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