Cp.22 The Final Rounds: Byakugan Vs Shadow Clone Justu!

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"Were gonna be late for our match yuna!" y/n yelled running while yuna taking her time 'walking' slow "your the one who stayed too long in the bathroom "yuna argue "and your the one who oversleep!" y/n argued back "Scary.." hashirama shivers same as shisui the ground start rumbling when they look back they saw naruto being chased by cows & bull  .

"HOLY COW!" y/n pointed at naruto running from angry cow's "that's lot of cows.." minato said "let's help and do some dramatic entrance in the grounds!" y/n went fast to naruto, yuna sighed following her "WHY IS IT! HELP ME SOMEONE!" the villagers run and hide inside their homes shutting doors and widows from army of cows 'what should i do!' naruto thought "YO! narubro need help?" y/n flying next to naruto also yuna on the other side "please n/n-chan!" naruto cried both girls hold his arm flying away "WHOA! thanks for the help" .

"No worries bro let's go to the final rounds!" y/n exclaimed loudly flying fast tobirama smiled his big brother gasped 'h-he SMILED!' .

"Naruto & y/n should be here .." sakura said the people cheered looking up & pointing to the sky sakura gazed up "NARUTO? Y/N?" the kids fly down next to shikamaru "DRAMATIC ENTRANCE!" y/n exclaimed haku laughed but glad his teammates are here "huh? where's sasuke?" naruto asked "the dosu guy i'm supposed to fight isn't here either" haku replied "hey you guys..don't be restless throw your chests and show your faces to the spectators you guys are the stars of the final rounds .." genma stated people cheers at the stars of the final rounds '..there's lot of people..' yuna thought feeling anxiety kick in but offer to wave a bit .

"sasuke hasn't been found yet?" the third ask "a team of anbu members are searching all over but they have found nothing he might already be in the hands of orochimaru if that's the case we may never find him" hiruzen sighed "i understand.. well lord kazekage" y/n notice how the sand team reacted seeing their 'father' gaara wasn't happy at all y/n huffed "not your father" she mumbles kankuro gazed at her strangely 'not him?' , "behind that mask..oruchimaru.." shiusi mumbled .

"Everyone thank you very much for coming to the village hidden in leaves chunin exam we will now begin the final round matches for the eleven who made it through the preliminaries please watch until the end" hiruzen said after that shoring genma to start  .

"I have something to tell you before the match" genma pulled the paper matches "look at this there was a slight change to the tournament check who you'll be facing one more time" haku is gonna face the on of temari or shikamaru if one of them wins "Anosa anosa! umm sasuke still hasn't come what'll happen?" naruto asked "in case a competitor dose not arrive by the start time of his match he or she will lose by default" 

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