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Author's pov :

"So let me get it we trying to find one rare stupid bug" that's what naruto said the first minute in the mission y/n , naruto and team 8 on the look out for that bug as tsunade ordered struggling now with paper work while the third hovering besides her as for yuna this is a BIG no no for her, she hates bugs well more specific 'spiders' .

"What's the different don't all insects look alike?" naruto asked y/n sighed "no narubro there's big dissimilarity between bugs, spiders are neither bugs or insects they have their own class which called Arachnida" y/n explains as naruto pulled a weird face "ara what?.."  y/n rolled her eyes " didn't know you're interested in insects y/n-san" shino said y/n turned and smiled "i like to know things some members of the my clan are bugs users" kiba watched y/n and shino bonding and talking about insects 'tch.. what's so amazing about it' he thought as akamaru barked not much as also the kage's thought the same .  

"There's no chance will get stung isn't.." hinata said .

"Almost non of those can harm humans but just in case i do have some of the aburame clan's secret recipe insect repellant but i would prefer not to use it" showing a small bottle with purple liquid "then you shouldn't have brought it out in the first place" naruto mocked the team start to walk again until some unwanted gusts spy from afar at them .

"There's no mistake.. that kid in the lead he's a member of the aburama clan after all" a female voice said along with other two guys hiding "i never imagined that we're gonna bump into them in a place like this" .

"Is their objective the bikochu jibachi?". 

"Anyone who wants to get their hands on a bikochu has to come to this place during this particular period" the female huffed "we need to get our hands on a bikochu no matter what before those brats do" moving up following the kids naruto talked about seeing one of those... in his apartment y/n shivered in disgust "that's a cockroaches you talking about not bikochu.." , 'we need pest control right now!' y/n thought thinking of MTF Lambda-12 .

"From their appearance it seems they're all genin if they found it we'll just take it from them".

Time skip///////////////////////////////////////

Searching the whole forest just for on small bug is no easy y/n wondered around 'at least some of the team noticed the three people that are spying on us' "4 sensory type ninjas will notice them pretty easy" tobirama said followed with his brother agreeing now meeting with kiba and shino setting under a tree "hey any luck?" she asked .

"No y/n-chan.." kiba said soon hinata came out running to them "Guys!.." .

"You saw them right?" y/n replied hinata nodded "i guess they think they're hiding.."

"unfortunate for them we have whole array of specialists in detecting enemies" kiba said in mocking tone "it's clear why are they here" y/n said sitting besides akamaru petting him "what should we do shino?" kiba asked .

"A battle involving the insects will danger the safety of bikochu as long as they don't make a move we'll just watch them closely"

"Got it"

"I wonder if.. naruto noticed" hinata mumbled "it's better not to tell him"

"Yeah.. better okay let's go and find this bikochu!" y/n cheered as akamaru followed her barking "Oi! akamaru!" kiba called as shino fixed his glasses "i see your dog left you" kiba turned with a glare .  

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