ERROR : SCP-999 Enter!

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Warning : it's HELL CUTENESS! 


Author's pov :

Another day in the SCP foundation is another day of happiness for SCP-999 standing around 3 foot orange color , eating bowl full of his favorite candy he sighed finishing his meal and now walking out of the room to bright up everyone's day a thought came to him remembering y/n & yuna .

Where did they went? 

Are they hurt?


He notice walking by two researches talking "i don't know what to say but i hope to find a way to help y/n and the other SCPs to return from the TV" his partner nodded "yeah but i really like how the story went for me" they left the door open leaving for lunch break 'so that's what happen! i have to help them!' SCP-999 thought slithering inside he played with some buttons on the TV which made it flashes light then sucked him whole to it .

He notice walking by two researches talking "i don't know what to say but i hope to find a way to help y/n and the other SCPs to return from the TV" his partner nodded "yeah but i really like how the story went for me" they left the door open leav...

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SCP-999 woke up seeing himself outside somewhere in the forest he had a question mark above him the orange boy slithered around confused 'where do i go..'  watching from afar guy with raven hair walking alone SCP-999 sense unbearable sadness and loneliness from him SCP-999 rolled approaching itachi who pulled out kunai in hand he saw orange slim rolling around him then glued at his foot confused he kneeled down " what a strange thing.." itachi pocked the slim with the kunai only to met with face and purring of SCP-999, jumping in surprise itachi felt comfort it's strange where did that happiness come from but it felt nice lifting some weight off his shoulders now petting SCP-999 itachi smiled A REAL SMILE .

The orange boy purred before tickle wrestling making itachi laugh this time kisame heard his partner laughs weird out he walked seeing itachi struggle around orange slim hugging him "OI! itachi you okay?" kisame said aiding itachi only to get caught in SCP-999 trap .

Both akatsuki laid down defeated as SCP-999 continue his way in the forest~

'That'll do hope that guy feel better now where should i go to find y/n.. maybe those guys know!' pointing at the sand siblings rolling his way to them the sand ninja took fight stand believing it to be an enemy but they're met with orange slim purring "what the heck.. is that" kankuro said .

"I don't know but still it might be dangerous" temari replied 

SCP-999 slithered close to gaara who stared down it him " it doesn't have any harm intention.. it might need help" gaara said 

"And what should we do?" temrai asked 

"Let's head to the leaf maybe y/n know something" SCP-999's eyes light up hugging gaara's legs "i think it knows y/n.." kankuro sweat drop at the cuteness 'it's not afraid of gaara..' he thought until he saw gaara's slight smile grow little by little .

"T-temari.. gaara is smiling!" kankuro whispered to his sisters ear "yeah.. this is impossible"

At the village gate~        

Tsunade met with the sand shinobi along with our orange boy "you say you found it.. in the forest" gaara nodded 

"it might know y/n" 

"I see.." tsunade looked down at SCP-999 "i'll call her thank you for the visit you can rest here shizune please walk them to room to rest" 

"Yes my lady!" shizune said looking at SCP-999 one last time before taking them "now you know y/n right i'll help you" SCP-999 jumped in excitement before hugging tsunade tackling her "Aw! what a cutie!" as tsunade hugged him back .


"Huh? you said you found him in the forest?" y/n asked gaara 


"Orange slim.. orange slim.." y/n gasped remembering one and only SCP like that "SCP-999!!" , "so it's one of you?" y/n nodded "yes! SCP-999 is a legend he's more than a monster to me helping everyone making them happy i mean how could you not love him at all? that's what happen to gaara i'll see you later i have to find him!" running out the room y/n loved SCP-999 so much they're long time friends .

Entering tsunade's office the hokage said SCP-999 chased naruto & sasuke she don't know why but it looked so cute that she can't do anything to stop him searching the village for him y/n saw the most cute thing ever naruto and sasuke sleeping on SCP-999 cuddling "Aw~ two orange boys and one emo how wholesome!"

But do you think SCP-999's duty is over?




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