fuck wattpad!

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hello, hi, hellur, honey here! so we all know that i dont.. yknow, write anymore. i've considered finishing this book, and now after this, it's solidified, this oneshots book with over 100 chapters has been closed, after like what 4 years of writing?

but basically, im here for other reasons. i literally JUST logged onto wattpad after a good ol day of school, since i've made a decision to not use the app during school just bc of the wrath of my mother and her parent controls- and so i go to messages bc idfk rps or whatever.

and i see that WATTPAD sent me a message. and im like ok what? so i open it aaaaand somebody, after so many years, mass reported my WHOLE entire book. and got the other one permanently deleted! my smutshots?? those are gone. all the chapters, the whole book, deleted in one foul swoop!



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>> and on top of that, there was a LOOOOOONG list, of every oneshot

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>> and on top of that, there was a LOOOOOONG list, of every oneshot. being marked. hell i dont know if they did or didn't delete anything either bc i wasn't fucking looking i was too overwhelmed to scan my entire chapter list. 

im assuming you can guess how flabberghasted i was

bc im pretty sure. i marked everything as mature. is so dumb too bc its the entire book- not the entire book is mature

but know what? its cool, because i dont write anymore. i'm totally not mad that my smutshots book was deleted and my whole 4 year long oneshots book is flagged

so in short, FUCK YOU WATTPAD!!

im POSITIVE somebody mass reported to be a prick in my asshole, because these have been cooking here almost all of my teenage years

of course, ive been so busy, yknow, BEING A HIGHSCHOOLER (especially this year! gotta work hard to have a future in college especially if i want a scholarship!) so i haven't had the TIME or ENERGY to write.

you see where im going with this, right?

this book is completed. i will be either marking it as completed or just leaving it, because knowing me (like u saw in the "future days" oneshot) i will randomly rise from the grave seeking comfort, dust off wattpad's writing services, and type up a crispy story

just cant make it nsfw or some fucking shit because THIS is what happens!

what a prick

im a little heated right now because i have homecoming to get to in 3 hours and i wasn't really expecting to come home to a mass report, especially over how dangerous that is for my account and i REALLY don't need my wattpad at high risk on top of my instagram

literally fuck wattpad

RIP smutshot book, may it and all the unfinished requests (yes there were tons of drafts) rest easy

and dw its not like im leaving wattpad i have lowkey a life here

maybe i can write a davekat oneshot book!

maybe, i say, bc im too scared ill lose relevancy if i branch away from eddsworld

ty for coming to my ted talk, if this book gets deleted, RIP it and all the splendid people ive met along this book's journey

honey iz out!

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