Historic Relationships

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hdiwjfowkofhwqppwpqlshon i love this au hate me if you want, I don't care—

hamilton au!

i've gone to see the musical, i know what I'm doing—

tom: eliza schuyler/hamilton
tord: alexander hamilton
edd: angelica schuyler
matt: peggy schuyler
patryk: john laurens
paul: marquis de lafayette
pay: hercules mulligan
tamara: maria reynolds

genre; flufffff and followed by the scene for the song "helpless" so yeah you might want to watch an animatic or listen to to song if you want to understand the full thing since im not gonna put the lyrics in"

word count: 1091

also, people who know me well know that i dislike tordedd. however, in this au, its technically cannon for edd to crush on tord before tom gets with him and edd supports them. however, edd gets over his crush on tord and moves on, unlike angelica.


·nobody's pov·

Gallops and ballets formed by bushels of gentle man and women. Silky and beautiful dresses puffed around the grand mansion, fancy suits and outfits of men swishing firmly in the dances. A palace filled with rich people, important folks, and polished homo sapiens. Walking about and talking was a tall man who brought their country from bankruptcy to prosperity.

That man, who was not throwing away his shot, was other wise known as the witty Tord Hamilton. A genius at the pen and paper, writting as if he was running out of time. A name fit for a star, he stood out in the crowd as the one who would help lead their kind to victory against the Red Coats.

"In all due respect, Laurens, I do beg your fucking pardon?" Tord and Patryk Laurens bursted into giggles, Pat being a tad bit tipsy. He is known for downing three sam adams but working on four. Albeit, he is no where near as bad as his trusty friend and reckless brother, Pay Mulligan. That spitfire is full on trashed in another room which is filled with other drunk idiots.

And then, with graceful steps, waltzes in the Schuyler Brothers. They were fancied in velvet and expensive tuxes, lathered in cologne, and the colors being more towards the women's taste but fitting well for the trio.

"That's the poin— woaaahhh," Laurens was caught of guard, him staring in admiration to the rest of the attention. Tord shot him a questioning look, slowly following Pat's eyes and also joining the gaze.

The crowd separated all the way to the bar, letting three dashing men make their ways over. One was quite tall, ever so slightly chubby, and wore a emerald green suit. The one to the left was a ginger, a bit shorter than the other. He wore a violet outfit. And the last one, softly smiling and capturing Tord's undivided attention, was very much known as smallest, snappiest, yet cutest, Thomas Schuyler. Pat gasped,

"The Schuyler Brothers!.."

Tord hummed in agreement, averting his eyes quickly after they trailed down to the shortest's swaying hips. Tom scanned around the area, widening his voids when laying eyes on Tord

"Is that... Tord Hamilton," Matt whispered to Edd. The tallest nodded to him, looking over at him and grinning. He chuckled when seeing that his younger brother was having a small staring contest with the charming fellow. Edd cooed,

"Looks like somebody is into him too~" Tom snapped out of his lovestruck gaze, blushing madly and grabbing Edd by his tie. He pulled Edd down to his level and whispered into his ear,

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