Relaxation Comes in Different Forms

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hey worker bees! this is a oneshot requested by fandomfreak336 , so thank them for this. you all know how i rarely post smutshots? well, this is some spicy action so prepare yourselves :")

Genre; Smut/NSFW

Warning! Sexual Content, Mature Themes, and use of Uncensored Profanity!

Word count; 2006


·tom's pov·

I groaned in frustration, my fingers drumming across my keyboard as I answered another complaint e-mail. See, I work at a big guitar shop, Present Strings. I like my job, but since I've recently gotten promote, I have a lot more things to do. I work at Customer Service and I am now dealing with Feedback, Complaints, and Customer Support. It's a alright job, but my income has grown a fair amount! Not to mention, I do get higher respect. Also, when I'm not working, I'm allowed to mess around with my phone or play some bases. That's always nice.

But right now, oh right fucking now, it's just not working for me. Policies say that "the customer is always right" but, this person says that the guitar is broken or some shit. She's claiming that it won't tune, but turns out, she just doesn't know how to tune a guitar! And even better, she gave us a one star review on Yalp (yelp? never heard of it-) and even complained about our instruments. She posted a photo and, guess what, everything looks and seems to be in perfect shape. Oh my Jehovah I hate customers like these! If they don't know how to play a guitar, why buy one without any classes or teachings established?! You can't always teach yourself when that bad of a noobie! (okay, no offense to anybody. this is just tom being pissed, people are very skilled and talented so many can get self taught,, please don't take this personally in any way, shape, or form. tom's just being a baby >:V)

I sighed, glancing at the corner of my computer. My shift ends in 10 minutes.. I quickly typed the rest of my response, keeping it kind and reassuring. Clicking send, I scanned through my e-mail to see if I needed to respond to any other customers before I closed my browser. I logged off and shut down my computer, getting up and cracking my back. I sighed and grabbed my backpack, walking to the bathroom so I can change out of my worker uniform. Taking 6 minutes to change, I walked back out and into the main room. I fist-bumped my co-worker, Jeremyah, goodbye before walking out the doors. Still pretty angry, I rushed to my car. Getting in, I groaned in annoyance and punched my backpack.

With a few more blows to my bag, I started up the car and drive back home.

·small time skipu·

"Edd and Matt aren't home, sweet. I can punch the couch and rant to Ringo as much as I want now," I hummed thoughtfully to myself as I turned on our street. Getting closer, I whined when seeing a red Mustang parked in our driveway. I huffed, turning and parking beside it. Just seeing the Commie' car made me both blush and get more enraged. I like him, but I'm not very chirppy today so if that asswipe wants to annoy me, I will snap so quick. I shut off my Tesla (big flex, but okay-) and hopped out, swinging my backpack on my shoulder. I walked to our front porch, ignoring Eduardo's shit insults.

"Hey, loser, are you ignoring me?!" I huffed, unlocking the door and flipping him off before walking inside. I shut the door, walking up to my room. I tossed my backpack atop my bed, grumbling as I stomped back out.

I walked into the kitchen, groaning when seeing the familiar Norwegian. Going to the fridge, I opened it in search for my loving alcohol. I could tell he knew I was pissed when he spat out,

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