so this is love

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I'm writing this because I wish I could feel it right now, I miss having that special somebody make me feel loved, but QUARANTINE IS A BITCH and I'm lonely as fuck


basically a sappy love fic, I'll get back to smut requests right after, I just want to feel happy again. so writing about others being happy and lovey dovey is my way of coping through not being able to see the people I love. if you're reading this bb lobe you aND GO ONLINE ON DISCORD MORE WE DONT TALK MUCH SINCE U DONT BB

oki mwa.

also there isn't a word count, nor much caps, I'm sorry qwq

also the title reminds me of an old song i like uwu


-toms pov-

I giggled, leaning my head against the snug surface of a man's shoulder.

he drapes an arm over my upper body, tugging me closer against him.

the atmosphere felt bubbly and full of life, oh man was I missing out before on the life that wasn't so dull.

tord placed a kiss on to my temple, and shit, I felt like I was going to burst. my heart swelled and my face reddened, the love we distributed reverberating in this room, it was swell.

i held him oh so dearly, oh so dearly, and i laughed along with him and edd, matt too.

i tapped my feet against the ground, incapable to stay still with the butterflies flapping wind storms in my stomach; with this happy and glorious feeling.

blood, healthy blood, flowed and pumped within my veins, dancing with the adrenaline beautifully.

this man, this commie, took my breath away and he still does till this day. i snickered, turning to perceive the chiseled jawline of my love, and he sensed my gaze.

he turned over and cracked a grin.

i felt my heart melt into a puddle, dripping down my ribcage.

i repeated the tender smile, and he leaned in, bumping our noses together and closing his eyes. tord sighed in content.

i leaned my head up, colliding our lips together. he retorted the action, and i pressed closer to him.

mon amour purred, tilting his head and pulling away after a bit. i panted before grinning. i couldn't help it.

nor could he.

tord smiled, pressing our foreheads together.

oh, so this is love?

i suck in a breath since i swear, my heart stopped beating when we locked eyes.

the bubbles came back to my abdomen, body quivering and face staining crimson.

tord chortled, and i rolled my eyes.

he laid a hand to my cheek, calloused but.. warm and comforting. he caressed my face with his thumb, and i purred.

what a ringo move.

the vibration rumbled from my throat, prompting tord to hum in amusement. we ignored the feeling of stares from edd and matt, the world dissipates from our reality.

my skin got tight on my ribs, and i bit back a simper.

he drifted in and started to scatter me in kisses. i paused, stilling and gasping for air as subtlely as i can.

tord looked me in the black pools, a hand at the back of my skull as he pulled me to his chest.

my nose hit the crook of his neck, me happily breathing in the fumes of his vanilla-tinged cologne.

he cradled me closer and closer, i was basically sinking into the fabric of his hoodie. i wasn't complaining though, i was nuzzled into his muzzle, and i was very much satisfied.

i hadn't been as cheery until we became us.

tord spread his fingers through my sandy brown hair, and my eyelids drooped. why does he know how to be so fucking therapeutic ?

i smiled, finally shutting my eyes gently.

"i love you," he grunted into my ear, his hot breath grazing against my neck. i felt the hairs on my back stand up straight. unlike my sexuality. ha.

a grin tugged on my lips, and i found myself repeating his words.

he pressed his lips against my ear affectionately. i—


again !

so this is love..?

i like this feeling.

i don't want it to end..

"i don't want this to end."

tord chuckled, "nor do i."

another purr erupted from my throat. "i love you."

that foreign sentence tingled my taste buds.

it was sweet, those words. it might have been the perfume wafting between my lips, but still, it tasted immaculate.

maybe it was the three letters after all. they left a fuzzy after taste, and oh man, was it addictive.

love is, in fact, a drug, as they say it.

and i even..

i love it more than my smirnoff.

that's saying a lot.

making the claim 'i love you' is a lot.

a big commitment. but im always up for the thrill.

my—no, our love was strong. i can feel it. im not making this up.

you might suppose it is his strong arms around my torso, but no.

i can feel his love.

our love.

his heart, i could feel it pulsate. it sent warm waves over his body, glowing against mine.


this is love ?


i hope this was good and made you all feel a bit more warm.

i might be editing this after publishing, since i wish to have my favorite english teachers opinion in this !

sorry this wasnt in caps...

as for the question, how is your quarantine ? mines shit but im working through it the best i can.

see, i was more happy when i started writting this, which was a night ago.

i was,, insulted in harsh ways that i dont wish to talk about.

but its okay.

i hope you all are feeling good, stay safe, drink water, eat, wash your hands, and love yourself !! that makes me a hypocrite, but really.

love you all and back to smut requests i go.

honey is out !!

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