how many times can i say i love you ?

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oh thank god we got a few sweet smut requests, i will die from shame since so many of you were smh to the last one whEEZE AM SOWWEY-

requested by AvalsTired , thank you !

this thing sucks i couldnt focus i was listening to dreamland by glass animals for the 100th time and playing this game called #selfcare to make myself feel better.

i shit not that app is so therapudic i c ri e d when first playing it aaaa.

and yes, i am publishing this a while after it was written so there might be a few mistakes that were not patched up, you may check my message board for the explination why i took a very very small break from publishing.

blah blah, do you guys even read this ? oh well.

genre; sweet smut/vanilla sex/nsfw

word count; 745 (short but sweet stfu)

what the future (wtfuture/wtf) au.

also, i just realized that many people, including me, give Tord like,, a massive shlong. like,, hes a massive shlong kinda guy but,, imagine this. micro penis ? no im kidding, i dont know why i said this it has nothing to do with this oneshot xD

micro penis tord, the junior of tord juniors. 2020 quarantine style, i dig.


-3rd person pov-

"Just.. call over Pat and Paul, soldier! I need to.. take a cigar and a nap."

The small soldier looked at Tord for a bit, causing him to pinch my nose in frustration.

"Well, get to it!" He barked.

The man squeaked, quivering as he dashed off.

Tord sighed, trudging to him resting quarter. Pushing the door open and stomping in, said man shrugged off my coat.

"Love? Everything alright?"

The Norski tilted his chin up to see Tom, frozen in his paperwork and visor glowing as he gazed up at the Red Leader.

"Ah, yes baby, just stressed."

He hummed and flipped the page, scribbling his signature.

"I'm almost done with this, you should relax in bed."

Tord would have argued, but instead, he nodded wearily. The Communist removed his heavy boots and fell on to the mattress, tangling his body in the soft fabric of the bed sheets.

After about 10 minutes, a click of a pen echoed before the Brit stood up. Tom walked over and sat beside Tord.

"Trouble with work?"

"Being a leader is hard," He groaned, rubbing his eyes. Tom chuckled, reaching a small hand over to run through Tord's hair.

"I know, dear. Want me to help you wind down?" The taller sat up,

"What do you mean?"

Tom smiled sheepishly and got up, pulling the curtains closed. He turned on the bedside lamp before returning. Tord watched as the Brit started to unbutton his shirt, mouth agap in thought. Then, the gears clicked in place.

"Oh," el stupido laughed at his own slow demeanor and pulled off his turtleneck, "you know I would never turn you down~"

Tom blushed and grinned, reaching over to pull Tord into a loving kiss. He kissed back, pressing his palms into the bed as he sat up. The boy underneath closed his eyes, laying back to let Tord crawl over him. He kicked off his pants, hoisting his legs around said man's waist. The stinky Norwegian unbuckled and removed his belt, taking off the rest of the heavy articles of clothing on his toned body.

The eyeless male pulled away and gasped for air, smiling. "I love you." (1)

"I love you too." (2)

Tord pulled off and leaned to the edge of the bed, reaching under and feeling around before pulling out a fresh bottle of lube. Tom yoinked off his own boxers and spread his legs, digital eyes displaying a subtle look of love and lust.

He squirted the lube into his hand and blah blah, now his erect amigo Mr. Larsson 2.0 is nice and slippery. Tord loomed over Tom once more, intertwining his clean, robotic hand with the Brit's. He postitioned himself at the smaller's entrance, mumbling a soft, "I love you." (3 woop)

"I love you mo-" (4)

He pushed in, Tom being cut off with his own loud moan. Panting, the boy squeezed Tord's hand.

Stopping, they wait for about 9 minutes. Tom nodded, rolling his hips. Tord smiled, grunting as he slowly started thrusting.

"Mm, fuck- I love you so much, baby~" (5)

Tom whimpered, mewling in reply and he clinged on to the Norsk's hand and arm. Tord slowly gained speed, fucking out his frustration and passionately milking sweet sounds from his lover.

The two started to sweat, gazing at each other with hazey eyes? Well, one eye to two digital pupils. Yeah, eyes.

Tord pulled him into a passionate kiss, snapping his hips.

The bed creaked loudly, wet skin slapping and Tom's cries of ecstacy masking those noises.

"Hah- Tord, I'm gonna~!"

"M-me too~!"

Tom screamed, cumming hard and arching his back.

Tord groaned, a low cry rumbling from his throat, face muddled with pleasure as he filled his lover to the brim. Said lover huffed,

"F-feel better?" R.L. pulled out and smiled.

"Yes, thank you sweetheart."

"I love you." (6)

"I love you too, now get ready for me to pamper the fuck outta you in thank." (7)

Tom laughed, rolling his eyes.

They laid there for a bit before going to take a nice bubble bath together, Tord massaging the other gently.

After returning to the bedroom, they enjoyed a movie in bed (probably the golden girls) with sweets as the tuckered out men cuddled.

"I love you," Tord whispered, planting a kiss to Tom's ear. (8)

"I know, mon amour, I love you so much." (9)

They soon drifted off peacefully, holding each other close.


whoop whoop, 9 times. 9 i love yous.


ive pbly done more snort,

ah yes, being a hopeless romantic femme pan more like lesbian has..

really little perks, at least for me.

for a question, like,, favorite season ? have i done that yet ? idk, mine is fall. thats also my birth season uwu.

habe a good day ! honey is out !

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