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AHHH HELLO!!! before i considerably abandon this account, i realized i had ONE draft that i hadnt deleted yet! if you dont read my announcements, basically, i was going to uninstall wattpad after almost 6 years of using the platform, because i dont use it anymore and would rather clear unneeded apps from my phone, especially bc my therapist wants me to try mental health apps! :3c

i was going to delete this since i didnt even finish it. this was supposed to be a mute tom x tord fic! but i never ended up getting to their actual relationship. however i wrote a tiny decent amount so i felt like maybe you guys would like this little bonus? a bit of a reach but im just hoping you guys enjoy this little one!

ill leave their relationship up to interpretation :o)

OK ILL LOG OFF NOW, im gonna mark this as complete!!

thank you guys for all the support, i love you all! im really shocked you guys still read this middle school angsty shtuff, but ill embrace that tween cringe a littlw and not delete it :3 unless i come back in like college and barf in my mouth seeing my wattpad x0



Tom never had a big pack of friends. Growing up, it was limited between 2 to 5. He didn't mind it though, not at all, Tom liked how tightly bond his friends were, and how they stayed for so long, even if some had to move away or slowly fade from the friendship, he loved the relationships he's made along the way.

In elementary, he made his first friend. Her name was Bea (mwa ha ha family au inserts), she was a sweet, outgoing kid, who reached out to Tom when she saw him swinging alone.


"Hey! You look like you need a swing-booster? A little nudge?" The silver hair girl chirped, sitting on the swing beside the boy. She leaned a bit in her seat when there was no reply. "You're name is Tom, right? I've always wanted to talk to you, but you ran away- I like your shoes!" She pointed at his pastel sneakers with little, messy stars drawn on the fabric.

She watched as Tom lifted his head, smiling a bit, just a little bit. He patted at his overalls and pulled out a pastel blue notepad with a star-themed pen. He scribbled, 'thank yue (theyre in 2nd grade ignore his spelling), i like your hair!! Is it colored? With markers???'

Bea read it and giggled, "My mommy colored it for me! I didn't like the brown- You're eyes are so cool!"

'Tey r?? Peoopl think its scarey..' he scribbled messily.

"I think they're- what did mommy teach me... Facinating! Tom,"

That brightened the little boy's face.


Bea had later learned Tom was unable to talk, mute. She didn't mind one bit. In 3rd grade, she got her mom to help teach her sign language, figuring it'd be easier for Tom to sign rather than write. He appreciated it greatly. In 5th grade, Bea had spilled the beans about her crush on their classmate, Edd. She had signed it to him, too embarrassed to say it aloud.


'What?! Oh my God! Ask him out!' he eagerly signed, grinning.

Bea's face flushed red, she pushed her glasses up and turned her head away. "Noo! We barely talk to him-!" She turned back to Tom.

He was gone..

She frantically looked around for her short, spiky haired pal, eyes darting around the playground. "Frick!" She squeaked when seeing Tom handing Edd a piece of paper, Edd happily saying something before Tom waddled back over.

"What did you tell him?! Snitch!!"

Tom's eyes squinted in amusement as he signed, 'I just got a new friend, he'll be sitting with us for lunch today and on.'


'Hey, you can give him a juice box! Cute, right?' he signed, smiling as she covered her face.


Little did Tom know, how far that piece of notepad paper would take him.

In middle school, Bea had started to date Edd, and Tom was best friends with him. Along with Edd came Matt. Tom would sign or write to Matt about how horrible Edd and Bea were at dating, but it was funny. He would've laughed if he could. They loved to tease the two when they would nervously hold hands, or trade books from the library, or share food at lunch.

I mean, c'mon. Middle school relationships were always a bit cringe.

When Tom reached high school, things started to really kick in. And not just puberty. High school life. Being the awkward 3rd wheel, having to watch Bea and Edd fight and argue over attention or studying or habits. The times were he silently ate his burger and watched Bea storm out the joint leaving a guilty Edd, both the males knowing Bea had a point. There were the times he had to beg his teachers new sign language so he can skip writing notes to explain himself.. Along with being mute, came the bullying.


"Watch out, geek!" One guy laughed and shoved Tom forward. Tom silently tried to walk away. "Awhh, is the baby gonna cry? C'mon, say something, speak your mind!"

Another grinned, "oh wait.. you can't!" The two laughed and high-fived.

'Dicks,' Tom would think, 'absolute fucking assholes.'

If only he could tell it to their faces.


"Tom! Did you hear about the new student?!" The shorter raised a brow.

'We have a new classmate?' he signed. Matt eagerly nodded as he stood beside Edd. "Yeah, he's coming all the way from Norway, or something. I just hope he's not a dick."


Tom sat at his table and doodled on his arm, waiting for class to begin. He lifted his head from his desk as the bell rang through the campus. He watched his teacher walk in the class, a smile tugging on her colored lips. "Class, listen up, this may not come as a surprise to most, with how fast news spreads among you all. However, I have a new classmate I want you all to meet!" She turned to a tall, awkward boy, with a black coat, red t-shirt, and distressed black jeans. He had a odd hair style that had two hairs and a bit of a mullet going on in the back. Tom blushed, was he always standing there..?

And why was he so, captivating..?

Tom's never been so interested by a human being before.

Their eyes met, for a beat, his black orbs locking with the Norsk's gray-ish blue's. Tom quickly looked away, face heating up.

"This is Tord! He's our Norwegian transfer! Would you like to say a few?" she smiled. The class watched in anticipation, Tord opening his mouth slightly, sweating. "..Hi." A few girls squealed, some boys scoffing. The teacher grinned, happy with just the one word. "Splendid! Now," she glanced at her seating chart, "you will be sitting next toooooo, Thomas! Tom, is that okay with you?" the teacher softly asked.

Tom looked back and blinked a bit, processing things before raising his hands, signing a simple, 'yes.'

The teacher beamed with the response. "Alright, Tord, you'll be sitting there!" she pointed, and the kid scurried to his new seat.

He sat down, not looking at Tom, staring straight forward, his eyes shifting nervously.

Tom was busy staring at him, taking in his appearance. Then, he noticed his expression.

He's all too familar with it.

Fear, anxiety.

The nervous look scanning over every student in the room, avoiding eye contact.

Could it be, somebody like him?


It took a while to get used to......

and theres where i stopped writing

love you all <33

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