Chapter 23

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*Taylors POV*

The Dolans are like my second family. Literally. They sat there and cried while I told them what happened. They hugged me and comforted me, while I was crying. They even went down to the coffee shop and bought me my favorite Starbucks.

Eventually, It became very late. I started nodding to sleep, when I caught myself, and said "You guys should probably get going..." as I looked into there blood-shot, droopy, eyes.

They all kind of nodded in agreement. Ethan was laid back when it came to leaving. Mrs. Dolan said "Cmon Eth. I think we should get going."

He replied, "Hold on mom. I think I'm gonna stay here tonight..."

My heart warmed, and Mrs. Dolan nodded in like a almost disappointed agreement. If that makes any sense.
And then they left.

It was just me and Ethan. Oh and the beeping noises of the machines, giving me oxygen. Ethan looked at me long and hard.
I realized that my makeup must be a mess.

"Uhg my makeup is horrible right now..." I said, tearing up again.

Ethan put his hand on my face, and wiped my tears away with his thumb.
"You are, and always will be, the most beautiful girl, even when your makeup is a mess."

I got the strength, being to tired, to sit up and squeeze Ethan. He cried. I cried. To be honest, I don't even know why we were crying.

"Taylor," he said. "Please don't do that again. You mean the world to me, and without you, I don't know who I would be or what I would do."

I took a deep breath in, and squeezed him harder. "I won't." and then I fell asleep.

*Ethans POV*

"I won't." she said, reliving me, and then she fell asleep.

I put my head on her chest, near her heart, so I could constantly hear it beating. My head would raise, and sink, raise, and sink, in beat with her breathing. Soon I was sleeping too.

I was awaking by someone shaking me. It startled me. When I got up, Taylor was laughing.

"The nurse is here, Eth. She needs to do some stuff."

I decided to leave the room because I didn't know what the nurse was gonna do. And I didn't want it to be uncomfortable for Taylor or I.

*Taylors POV*

Ethan left the room when the nurse came in, to do things. I was kind of glad because she changed my bathroom bags...that would have been awkward.

The nurse was pre-paring a few needles.
I hate needles! I always have!
"Ethan!!" I screamed, watching the nurse almost finish preparing them.

Ethan came rushing into the room.
"Sorry Eth. I didn't mean to scare you. Can you umm just stay here? I uhh kind of don't um like needles..."

I thought I sounded like a baby.
"Of course. I have a fear of them too!"

The nurse counted down to three, and Ethan held my hand and looked me in the eyes, as she injected the needle. I winced, and Ethan held my hand tighter.

I went through the process twice more.

"All done for today, the doctor would like to speak with you." She smiled as she left the room.

The doctor entered soon after the kind nurse left. "Hi! I'm Dr. Godfrey. I'd like to talk to you about some things?"
I nodded towards the door, gesturing for Ethan to leave.

"I'll be right outside if you need anything. So just scream my name!" We both laughed.

The doctor continued.

"So everything seems to almost have gone back to normal. We just want to keep you here a little longer, to make sure your body is clear of the toxin. Uh I'm guessing you know, that you will be needing a therapist. That will start soon after you get released from the hospital. One last thing, we would like you to stay home from school, to limit stress."

I nodded my head.

"Stay Strong girly. That boy really cares about you!"

And she left the room.

Sorry this chapter is kind of boring. Nothing really happens. This chapter is a little longer than normal...but not as long as the last one, lol idk. so anyways.

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