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December 25, 2022

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December 25, 2022

I'm sitting in front of the tree on Christmas morning, waiting for James to come out of the bathroom. "Hey, babe, I'm ready," James says as he waltzes into the room. I get up from the couch and walk over to the tree,my back to him, "so do we want to start with big gifts or little," I ask while sifting through the wrapped packages with a yawn.

"Small," James answers. I pick up two small presents, one for each of us, and spin around, dropping the presents on the floor looking at the small navy blue box in his hand. My jaw landing down there too.

"Elle, don't panic," James says, looking at my face. I nod my head, not really sure what to do. "Just listen, okay?" I nod my head once again, this time forcing my jaw shut.

"I've been wanting to do this for months. Probably since the day we met if I'm being honest," he smiles, his eyes sparkling more than I've ever seen before.

"Remember when I gave you that necklace?" I nod grabbing at the chain that I've not taken off once since he put it on my last summer.

"Well I left out part of the meaning behind it for this moment, today. The butterfly also symbolizes change and hope. The moment I set eyes on you standing beside your car, phone in the air." I laugh, remembering the awful start to that day.

His smile grows, continuing on, "I knew you were going to change my life. And then the moment I looked into your eyes for the first time, it gave me hope. Of finding happiness. Of falling in love. Of starting a family and making a home. But most importantly, that someone saw me, understood me, and could fall in love with me. Meeting you changed everything. So what do you say? Do you want to make my house our home?"

He gets down on one knee and opens the box, a big diamond ring shining back at me. "Aloura Avianna Merritt, will you be my wife?" No nerves show on his face, as if he is sure of my answer.

"Yes, yes, a million times yes," I squeal, instantly. Never being more sure of an answer I've given in my entire life.

I laugh and cry all at the same time as he puts the ring on my finger and barely has time to rise before I throw myself at him.

"Aloura Bridgewater," I test out loud for the first time, pretending like I haven't said it in my head a hundred times over.

James smiles, "I like the sound of that."

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