Chapter 32- Day 1 of Forever

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July 6, 2023

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July 6, 2023

I wake up around noon, with a yawn and stretch. Blinking the sled from my eyes, I find James staring at me with a small smile on his face.

"Morning, wife," his voice is groggy, like he just woke up too.

"Morning, husband," I say through a yawn. "How long have you been awake?"

"Not long," he shrugs, lacing his fingers through mine. His thumb brushes over the new ring on my finger, taking in the meaning of it. "Feels like a dream."

"The best dream," I joke.

He nods in agreement. "Want to go get lunch from the diner?" He smiles, raising our linked hands and kissing my knuckles.

"Sounds yummy," my stomach grumbles at the thought.

"Let's get ready then," he climbs out of bed and pulls me along with him, making me giggle unapologetically.

We arrive at the packed full diner and have to fight through the tables to find an empty one, being congratulated by everyone along the way

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We arrive at the packed full diner and have to fight through the tables to find an empty one, being congratulated by everyone along the way. I remember seeing every last person here, at my reception yesterday.

We eventually make it through the crowd and collapse down into the booth with a sigh. The smell of hot coffee makes me look up. Just to be greeted by my mom's smiling face. "Figured you two would want coffee after what I'm assuming was a late night," she winks at us. I gag and James laughs.

"Thank you, Bailey," he accepts the mug and takes a long sip.

"Thanks, mom," I sigh. She slides into the other side of the booth and looks between the two of us.

"You guys are sneaky things," she chuckles.

"What ever do you mean?" I ask, faking innocence.

"Sneaking out of your own wedding!" Her smile goes into a full on grin. "You're friends did an excellent job of clearing everyone out though."

"They're very reliable," James nods his head.

"Ellie baby," my grandpa Merritt comes up to the table.

"Grandpa," I jump from the booth and hug him.

"Careful now. Don't want your grandpa to break a hip no would we," my dad says from behind him.

"Hush up, Monty," he elbows his son without even looking back at him.

"Hey, now," my dad sticks up his hands in surrender before moving around us and slipping into the booth beside my mom.

"It's nice to see you again Coen," James greets, taking another sip of his coffee.

"Likewise," my grandad nods at him.

"Here, let's sit down," I say, sliding into the booth and sidling right up to James, giving plenty of room for my grandfather to sit down.

"Thank you, honey," he says, taking a seat. "One of your friends...what's their name," he taps his chin, "Lula? Lolly? Leah?"

"Lola," I ask him, amused.

"Yes, her," he points at me. "She drove your jeep to Evertree Ranch after the reception."

"I know. She told me. And I saw it when he left the house today," I inform him. "Thank you for driving it over here," I smile.

"Anything for you, my dear," he pats my hand. "I might have to get myself one of those. Very handy cars," he chuckles.

"Dad, no. You don't need a Jeep. Especially not at 73 and in New York City," my dad exclaims.

"We can buy you something smaller," my mom tried to convince him.

"I can buy whatever," he chuckles. "I saved my whole life for retirement."

"And we own a big, successful law firm and we still have income coming in from the both of us," my dad argues. My grandpa waves them off and turns to James and I.

"What are you guys doing the rest of the day?" He asks, stealing my coffee cup and gulping the rest of it down.

"After we're done here we are heading back home to finish packing for our honeymoon," James explains to my grandfather.

"When do you leave?"

"Tomorrow afternoon," I fill in.

"I expect tons of pictures," my mom says sternly.

"I will be living vicariously through you from behind my desk," my father sighs.

"Will do," James salutes my parents. "When does your flight leave for New York?"

My dad looks down at his watch, "2 hours."

"Well looks like we should hit the road then," my grandpa says, sliding out of the booth. My parents follow him. James and I also move to stand. I give them all hugs and while James gives my grandpa a handshake and hugs my parents. After promising to keep in touch and visit every once in a while, the three of them go on their way.

I flop back into the booth with a sigh. "Are you okay?" James whispers, rubbing my back.

"Yeah. I'll miss them a little but I have you," I kiss his cheek. "Are you excited for our trip?"

"14 days of uninterrupted time with my favorite person in the universe. I can't wait," he brushes back hair from my face.

"Don't forget the beaches, mimosas and cocktails, beautiful blue ocean, and constant sunshine," I remind him.

"I don't care about any of that because as long as I have you I will be completely and utterly happy," he kisses my lips.

"I would say the same but I need the beach too," I joke.

"Aloura Avianna Bridgewater," James exclaims in mock horror.

"That's my name, don't wear it out," I laugh, leaning in and kissing him again.

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