Chapter 18- Reminiscing

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June 18, 2023

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June 18, 2023

"Race ya," I challenge, hopping out of the car and rushing to the backyard of Lucas and Darby's house.

I hear James's footsteps fast behind me, but I'm faster. I easily make it through the gate and up the back porch before I'm lifted off the ground and spun around.

"No," I grumble, grabbing James arm and pulling him back with me. We laugh as we fall to the wooden floor together. Luckily, he takes the brunt of the impact or else I would be squashed like Flat Stanley.

"What's all the ruckus," Darby questions, peaking out of the back door. "Oh," she gasps when she sees us hysterically laughing in a heap of limbs on the ground.

"Careful you two. Wouldn't want to break something before the wedding," Lucas chuckles as he walks up the back steps and into the house, not even questioning the sight of us.

"Yeah what he said," Darby agrees. "And I can't have my best employee hurt. You've been a real help all week. The most I've had at the diner in a long time."

"I heard that," a muffled holler can be heard from deep within the house, causing all 3 of us to laugh even harder than me and James were before.

"Dinner's already done," Darby takes in a deep breath, having lost it while in her fit of laughter.

"Be right in," me and James answer at the same time, turning to smile at each other at the same time that Darby goes back into the house, a grin on her own face too.

"Great minds think alike," I tap my head, causing James to laugh once again as he stands and brushes himself off.

"Thank you," I say sweetly as he grabs my hand and lifts me up.

"Any time," James winks, leading me into the kitchen with our hands twined together.

Everyone takes their seat and starts grabbing food when Lucas brings up something I hadn't thought about in quite a long time.

"I remember the first Sunday dinner with you," Lucas nods to me.

"That was so long ago," I smile to myself.

"I also remember what I told James that day," he chuckles to himself. Darby also chuckles while James looks at me thoughtfully. I'm obviously left in the dark on the details because I only remember trying to eavesdrop on Lucas and James's conversation that day. And of course the whispered 'remember what I told you' from Lucas to James.

"Going to clue me in," I raise my eyebrow, joking...for the most part.

He looks from James to me a few times before answering. "I knew that you two were perfect for each other the moment that I saw you look at each other and I knew that I had to tell James not to screw it up. To not let you slip through his fingers when he had the perfect opportunity."

I look at James who is shaking his head and smiling to himself. "Actually I believe the words were, 'don't fuck this up, boy," he says in a gruff voice, trying to imitate his grandpa.

Everyone else chuckled but I'm too stunned by this year old revelation to do much of anything. "What do you mean?" I ask, wanting to know more.

Darby answers for Lucas this time. "I almost can't explain it. It was like you two had known each other for longer than a few days. The way you looked at each other and knew what the other was going to do or say next was amazing to watch. It still is," a sweet smile spreads across her face.

"I've never seen two people so connected before. Not even Araceli and West," Lucas chimes in, his voice taking a slightly sad tone toward the end.

James squeezes my hand slightly and I squeeze back, letting him know that I'm here.

James clears his throat, "are you saying that you and grandma aren't as great of a couple as we are," he jokes, trying to lighten the mood.

"Not so far, James Jethro Bridgewater," Darby scolds with a playful tone. Making us all break into laughter.

"I'm glad James took my advice," Lucas smiles at me. "I was a bit nervous there towards the end."

I laugh, "he almost let me leave town." James kicks me under the table, not hard enough to hurt but hard enough to get my attention. When I look up at him he is narrowing his eyes on me.

"You could have said something too," he states. Which is true, but I didn't want to over step as a guest. I shrug in repsonse.

"I knew that something was happening behind the scenes," Darby winks, causing James and I to pale at the thought. The horror on our faces must be evident because Darby breaks into uncontrollable laughter.

"Did I miss something?" Lucas asks, completely confused.

"No, no," James rushes shaking his head quickly.

"Nope. You missed absolutely nothing," I hurry to get out, wanting to drop this particular topic.

"Oh, okay," Lucas mumbles. Crisis averted.

When the conversation finds a new topic, I'm finally able to take a deep breath. That was a lot of news and a lot of stress all at one time.

I'm grateful that Lucas and Darby were trying to push James and I together from the start, even if I didn't know it at the time. These people have really changed my life.

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