Chapter 14- Wednesday Brunch

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June 14, 2023

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June 14, 2023

"Hey, girl," Lola greets as she takes the seat opposite of me for our brunch.

"Great now that you're here," I wink playfully. She blushes and swats at me.

"Bestie, please! You're the better one out of the two of us," she compliments.

"If you insist," I smirk. Lola gasps, having expected me to play along again. Our waiter comes over and takes our orders, both us getting orange juice and french toast, before leaving us to our conversation.

"How's Sierra?"

"Fussy. She's the definition of a Threenager," Lola rolls her eyes. "She gets especially fussy in the mornings. Other than that she is usually happy-go-lucky. But the mornings are difficult."

I laugh, "same girl, same." Lola smiles and nods, agreeing with the sentiment.

"So how are you, soon to be missus?"

"Amazing," I grin instantly, thinking of James.

"Aww you're blush just thinking about him," Lola coos.

"I can't help it," I laugh quietly. "James has been incredible. He literally cooked me dinner after working in the hot ass sun for 12 hours. And then he washed all of the dishes," I gush.

"You are one luckily girl," Lola smiles at me.

"Tell me about it," I chuckle. "He's seriously the most perfect person on earth."

"How are you feeling about the wedding?"

I hum with excitement, "I can't wait if I'm being honest. I used to think that marriage would just be a step in life but now I know it's not. It's not something you do just to get it over with. It's a bonding experience and a memory for the rest of your life with the one you love. It's a promise and a announcement to everyone that you belong to one person and one person only. The one person you love," I drift off, thinking of our perfect day that's approaching.

"You have literal hearts in your eyes," Lola observes as she sips her orange juice that must have been dropped off when I was going on and on about marriage.

I blush, now slightly embarrassed. "What was your wedding like?"

"We actually eloped. Went to Vegas for a little trip, got a little too drunk, and the next thing I know I'm Mrs. McQuinston," we laugh at the recollection. "I wouldn't change it for the world though. It was perfectly imperfect. Our own little thing," she smiles wistfully.

"Talk about heart eyes," I chuckle.

"What can I say," she shrugs. "We are just two women in love," she smiles wryly at me.

"Cheers to that," we clink our class of oj together and take a generous sip.

"I can't believe you played James and I like that," I change the subject.

"Whatever do you mean," she gasps, claiming innocence.

I shake my head, "Asking both of us without the other knowing," I accuse.

"It's not my fault you didn't communicate," she laughs. I shake my head and take another sip of orange juice.

"Of course we would both say yes immediately! We love Sierra," I say as our food is placed on our table.

"Thank you," we say to the waitstaff as they leave us to our conversation again.

"Can't you wait until you have your own kids," she smirks.

"I swear everything has been about kids lately," I groan.

"What do you mean?" Her eyebrows furrow.

"I feel like every other conversation is about kids," I complain as I stuff my face with my delicious meal. "Sure I'm excited and all, but I don't want kids for years. Why does everyone assume that as soon as someone is married they need to have kids?"

"Agreed. Everyone was always bringing up kids when Seth and I announced our elopement," she agrees, digging into her own food. "Your kids would be cute though. Brown headed babies everywhere."

I can't help but to smile when I think of our hypothetical kids. "See even you like the idea," Lola chuckles.

"Alright, fine. But I would still like to talk about more than just kids with everyone," I explain.

"Alright, kid conversation side tabled, how do you like working at the diner?"

"I love it actually. It's tough work, but it makes me feel so accomplished." I check the time, "shit I need to get back soon. The dinner crowd will be there soon and we need to be prepared."

"You make it sound like war," Lola laughs.

"It's very similar," I deadpan. "Hangry people are not to be messed with."

"Alright, I'll pay. You get back," Lola hugs me.

"No. Let me get the bill. You have a baby to take care of," I argue.

"No, no. I insist. Plus, me and Seth have money to spare," she looks at the time again. "Better get going."

I huff, knowing I won't win this argument, "fine, but I will pay you back," I promise her, but it sounds more like a threat. A friendly one, but one none the less.

"See you," she calls as I make it to the door. I give her one last wave before heading out the door and back to work.

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