Chapter 8- Last City Sleepover

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June 9, 2023

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June 9, 2023

The sound of honking cars can be heard throughout the dark apartment. Boxes of my stuff lining the walls. The few things that I'll need before the wedding are in my suitcase, packed and ready to get on the plane in a few hours. Everything else is going to be stored in my car which my parents are driving to Montana in 2 weeks.

"James," I whisper.

"Yeah?" James responds, rubbing his hand up and down my arm soothingly.

"Tell me something about space." He chuckles quietly.

"Earth's moon is the 5th biggest in the solar system." I laugh loudly and James joins in.

"Something more interesting, please," I turn in his arms, facing him in the darkness.

"There is something called a 'space butterfly.' It's a star nursery that was created about 5 billion years ago. It's colors shift from your favorite color, pink, to my favorite color, blue."

"Space butterfly? It's like a perfect combination of me and you. Your space and my butterfly," I smile and lean in to kiss him.

"Yeah. It looks like a butterfly and it's in space." I chuckle at the obvious reasoning. "Its actual name is Westerhout 40 aka W40 and it's located in the Aquila constellation."

"Aquila? Isn't that where Altair, the star from that one really sad romance story you told me, is?"

"The Magpie Bridge," he kisses my hair.

"Why do magpies create the bridge anyway? It seems very random," I ask, genuinely confused.

I feel the movement of his shrug even though I can't see it. "I don't know the answer to that, but I do know that when magpies are near it means good things are coming your way. People also believe that they are a source of happy and successful marriages, and good times. Others believe that magpies are a symbol of help when you are in trouble. And then other people relate it to the god of farming, wine and fertility."

"Jesus christ. Okay well it's actually kinda cute that they form the bridge for them to meet. All of the meanings are beautiful." I sigh, "but that story is still really sad. How they were separated forever in the sky and could only be together on one night every year for the rest of eternity."

Tears form in my eyes. Both from the cute symbolism behind magpies and the thought of them waiting a whole year just for a few hours to be together again. I couldn't imagine that being James and I. I would do anything to see him, so I understand how the stars feel, which makes it all the more sad.

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